Heavy Metal Thunder
Heavy Metal Thunder
Photograph courtesy: Tamworth Herald |
Musical Type/Genre: Rock
Formed: 1988
Mick Rutherford : Vocals/Bass Guitar
Paul Braimbridge : Guitar
Mick Hannaby : Guitar
Ian Crawford : Drums
Heavy Metal Thunder
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald - 04/11/88
Review: Heavy Metal Thunder (Walthamstow Royal Standard, London)
In the beginning there was ‘The Power and Glory’ then came ‘ICE’, next ‘Dickens’. And now, Mick Rutherford, frontman supreme, immortal of the Tamworth rock scene for nearly 20 years, has taken a deep breath, opened his mouth and the most recognisable voice in Tamworth begins to shine anew with new Metal Merchants – Heavy Metal Thunder.
Surrounded by musicians of excellence, this is Mick’s finest vehicle yet. Paul Bainbridge, guitar wizard, sways with eyes closed, fingers dancing over his strings, milking the guitar, making it weep.
Mick Hannaby, tall, thin, resplendent in silver jacket, shimmies his way around stage, forcing his guitar to new heights. Ian Crawford playing ‘the beast’, the only way his drum kit can be described, grimacing with hate, some times sitting, sometimes standing, using sticks and fists pounding out a terrible warning. And even Mick Rutherford, with his trademark, a hat, lurching drunkenly around, pounding out a constant, incessant bass line, his voice, honed by years of live gigging, never better, together driving the crowd wild.
‘The Preacher’, ‘What’s Left in You’, ‘The Kara’, ‘HMT’ from their Friday Rock Show sessions. ‘Cardiff’ a mosher’s delight and ‘Confused’ a power ballad that brings the audience to their feet. You just can’t mistake greatness.
I saw it in London, from a local band. Surely Heavy Metal Thunder will follow Wolfsbane into a record company’s heart. I was told after the gig by one of the road crew that they’re heading for Tamworth Arts Centre in November – surely the gig of the year. All you metallers beware, there’s Thunder in the air. Heavy Metal thunder.
Tamworth Herald - 18/11/88
Heavy metal returns to Tamworth Arts Centre with avengeance on Sunday night.
The Centre will be taken over by Mick Rutherford’s latest combo Heavy Metal Thunder.
The group have played a string of wildly successful metal shows…
They have followed the Wolfies in having a session played on the Tommy Vance Radio One rock show and their mugs have been featured in a host of national magazines.
The name of the band sums up what they have to offer but general non-metal fans should find much to enjoy from a groups packed with experiences and pedigree.
At time of going to press it wasn’t clear who would be joining forces with the Thunderous metal men but whatever happens it promises to be a loud ‘n’ powerful show for rock fans to enjoy.
It is due to start at about 8pm on Sunday but check with the centre for more precise details.