Laughter in Heaven
Laughter in Heaven
Photograph courtesy: Tamworth Herald
The Gallery |
Musical Genre/Type: Post-Punk
Formed: 1983
Ian Potts - Drums
Chris Potts - Bass Guitar and Vocals
Richard Smith - Guitar
Tamworth Herald – 16/09/83
Laughter in Heaven – Tavern in the Town
THE God’s must have been smiling down on Laughter in Heaven when they played their first gig recently.
For not only did the band not put a foot wrong but they managed to pack out the Tavern and delight the large crowd with their original brand of new wave rock.
It was the first time the trio had played live since changing their name from the Unknown – but the sound remains as strong and powerful as ever.
They opened their hour long set with a blistering version of ‘Dead and Buried’ – for me the finest song they played all night.
It showed the band’s finest quality – an ability to play hard-hitting rather doom-laden songs that still retain a commerciality that augurs well for the future.
All three members of the band turned in excellent performances but I was particularly impressed with the energetic display of drummer Ian Potts who seems to have come on leaps and bounds since the days of the Unknown.
After a well-structured set punctuated with moments of brilliance like ‘Nemesis’ the band were called back for two encores.
They played as they had done all night – with professionalism and spirit – and if they can sustain their new found confidence I feel sure they will finally come out of the Unknown and into something far more exciting.
Tamworth Herald – 18/11/83
SEVEN Tamworth bands will be battling next week to win the prestigious Burton Musicians Union rock and pop contest.
This year the contest – which has included several top Tamworth bands over the years – features 24 groups from all over the East Midlands.
The contest is divided into four separate heats from Monday to Thursday and the top two bands on each night will be asked to appear at the grand final on Friday.
The amount of competitors from Tamworth is the highest ever – reflecting the increasingly healthy local scene.
On Monday night the town’s sole representatives are Talk Back who with their professional and commercial sound are sure to take some beating.
The following day tow Tamworth bands will be opening the proceedings – Vince Watts’ new band Formaldehyde and the rock band Prophecy, who line up alongside two bands oddly-named A5 and Minnus Tyreth.
On Wednesday night two of the town’s top bands, Laughter in Heaven and the Royal Family, should guarantee that at least one local act makes the final. Laughter’s gothic sound and the Royal Family’s blues could not be further apart musically but they are both certain to excite the panel of judges.
Thursday night throws up a very unusual coincidence. BHX and Eyes will both be appearing – the night before the two groups will be playing together in a previously arranged gig at the Arts Centre.
With such a varied selection of local bands playing, by the time you read this it is possible that three or four Tamworth bands will be getting ready to play at the grand final for a variety of prizes.
One things that all bands could certainly do with is support. In previous years Tamworth acts have suffered because they took no followers with them while groups from Burton and Derby particularly seemed to bring armies of fans.
Entrance to the Burton Town Hall on all five nights is just 50p – a remarkably small sum to see six new bands a night in action. It would do the Tamworth music scene enormous good for one of our bands to win ‘away from home’ and we must all keep our fingers crossed for local success.

Laughter in Heaven
If you have any further information about this band please email: |