Lounge Lizards
Musical Genre: New Wave!
Formed: 1981 Split: 1981
Richard Bujak
[Also in: Ha Ha Ha and the Fruit Cakes]
[Also in: Ha Ha Ha and the Fruit Cakes]
Les Jones
[Also in: Original Royal Family]
Those Attractive Magnets
Lounge Lizards
Mile Oak Hotel
The Lounge Lizards
The Stable
Lounge Lizards
Tavern in the Town
Tamworth Herald – 06/02/81
TWO Tamworth bands line up alongside each other next week for what promises to be the best gig in the area for some time.
Those Attractive Magnets and a newly-formed group, the Lounge Lizards, will be playing a special double-header at The Warren, Mile Oak Hotel on Thursday February 12.
The gig will also feature a solo spot from Tamworth folk singer Nick Lowe and the super sounds of the Buttercup Roadshow.
And to make things easier for the unemployed and students, the two bands have cut some admission charges.
Normal admission is 60p but if you bring along your dole card or students’ union card, it’s 30p. So, be there!
Tamworth Herald – 20/02/81
Review: Nick Lowe/East Park/Those Attractive Magnets/The Lounge Lizards – The Warren
FOUR artistes for 60p can’t be bad can it? Oh yes it can! My apologies to the Lounge Lizards who gamely tried to save this evening from disaster but even they, lovable loonies that they are, failed.
All right, I know this was only a semi-serious sort of event anyway and most of the fair-sized crowd seemed to appreciate that fact.
But the mixture of talents (?) on offer simply didn’t work together to provide a coherent programme of entertainment.
I’m sure most of the crowd would agree that, until the Lounge Lizards gave the event a kick up the backside, the gig was definitely dying a death.
First on the boards was Nick Lowe. Nick has been strumming his acoustic guitar around town for a few years now. His set was pleasant enough to start with but the novelty soon wore off.
Nick was also dogged by the fact that most of the audience were so busy chatting to each other that they apparently failed to notice that there was anyone on stage at all.
East Park had come all the way from Leicester. They needn’t have bothered.
They had an electric guitar as well as an acoustic but really the world has seen enough electric folk bands for another ten years or so.
Next up were Those Attractive Magnets who have received much attention from my colleague Robert Sly on this page.
Shortage of time meant they could only play three (or was it four) numbers and frankly no-one was more relieved than me when time ran out.
Trying to look like Gary Numan and making noises with synthesisers seems to be a popular pastime these days for a number of people.
The Magnets are no worse or better than hundreds of other groups doing the same thing.
Where the Magnets are going wrong is in their apparent inability to realise that the likes of Keith Emerson. Jon Lord and Rick Wakeman were proving ten years ago that keyboards make funny noises.
So really all this futurist nonsense is just taking us further backwards not forwards.
I don’t know how serious the Lounge Lizards were supposed to be. Not very, I suspect.
Tamworth Herald – 27/02/81
A SIX-BAND extravaganza at the Assembly Rooms with the Lounge Lizards topping the bill.
That’s what the Lizards will be trying to set up.
And while they admit that their plans could be a trifle on the ambitious side, the latest and craziest addition to the local scene are willing to give everything a try.
The Lizards are currently working on new material following their successful debut gig at the Warren.
The only problem is they need a drummer.
Anyone who thinks they can play the drums for a band in the Cars, Motels mould should contact “Chip” of the Lizards.
Tamworth Herald – 20/03/81
CONSOLIDATION was the name of the game for the Lounge Lizards.
After the success of their debut gig the band wanted to build on that encouraging start and they achieved this goal without any hiccups.
In some ways perhaps they lost the riotous spontaneity which was the most enjoyable feature of their debut but on the other hand the whole evening had a more organised feel to it which was no bad thing.
Their set was enjoyable without being scintillating but taking into account the fact that the Lizards had an emergency bass player – the sound they achieved was pretty good.

Led by the amiable Richard Bujack, the Lizardz played a mixture of cover versions and their own material.
I enjoyed the covers more but given time to work on their own compositions, there’s not telling what they might come up with.
Best of the lot was once again “Sultans of Swing” featuring some quite astonishingly stylish guitar work.
DHSS, back on the boards again after a lengthy lay-off, failed to win much recognition from the audience but they had one or two interesting moments with Vince Watts playing some mean lead guitar.
Tamworth Herald – 16/04/81
The Lounge Lizards play a concert … at the Stable, next to the Tavern in the Town, Corporation Street on Bank Holiday Monday…Admission is just 20p and support band will be the DHSS.
Tamworth Herald – 18/03/83
THE TAVERN in the Town pub in Corporation Street is turning into the town’s premiere centre for live music. Recent Monday night gigs at the pub have proved a great success with bands attracting large crowds.
The gigs were started after an initiative by electronic outfit Those Attractive Magnets and Chip and Richard Bujak – last heard of locally in the Lounge Lizards.
The aforementioned duo have in fact played one gig their themselves and are the next attraction on Monday March 21.
“We’re using a different name for every gig, for the next one it’s “Kill the Doctor,” said Chip.
“The gigs have been going really well and we have met none of the apathy that other local bands talk about,” added Richard.
The duo recruit several ‘friends’ to help out for the gigs and play all their own material apart from one Lou Reed cover version.