Tamworth Bands History : 1990 : March
Tamworth Herald - 02/03/90
Sunday night heralds the Nightmare On Church Street as once again the wild and wacky Wolfsbane return to their Tamworth Arts Centre 'home' for the first time in eons.
Wolfsbane, the MUSICBOX readers choice as the best national band for the past two years, will be playing the Arts Centre as a launch for their latest tour and as a way of repaying the amazing loyalty of their local followers. The gig has not been advertised outside these columns and so the people at the show will be exactly those the band want - their hardcore fans who have been their followers for many years.
Sunday night's gig will feature an as yet unannounced support act and Wolfsbane will be on relatively early. The reason for this is because Bayley says he wants to have lots of time to drink with his compatriots and it ensures a short, sharp shock of a show.
The last time Wolfsbane played at the Arts Centre the queue began at 5.30 pm and ended up stretching past the cinema.
You have been warned - get to the Arts Centre on Sunday night and get there very early or face the consequences.
Fear not, this will be one of THE key gigs of 1990, miss it and forever be a lemon.
*The band were voted as the fourth best new band in HM bible 'Kerrang'. On the negative side the band's 'Live Fast Die Fast' collection was voted just outside the top ten worst HM albums of the year.
Tamworth Herald- 02/03/90
Our recent contest to win a unique Wolfsbane jacket direct from America, provoked a very good response. The quality of some of the entries (a few of which are printed below) showed us that the ugly Wolfies are pretty popular with you chaps and chapesses out there. Here are some of those we liked including one from a very young girl. As for the winner, well the band are going to choose that and announce it (or tell me if that's too embarrassing!) on Sunday night at the Arts Centre gig. Here's the goodies, see which one you like...
Dear Sam
(This is from a young girl)..
I think I should have the Wolfsbane jacket because...
'Into their magazine my dad did go, invited him to America but sadly said no.
I think their music is so brill, it cheered me up when I was ill.
Their trendy jacket a lot it's worth, is going to make me the Hip Hop trendiest person on the earth.
Linda Kershaw
Belvoir, Dosthill
Dear Sam
My reason for wanting the Wolfsbane jacket that looks as if it 'Fell out of Heaven.'? I will instantly look like a 'Killing Machine', and many a 'Pretty Baby' will follow me.
At the moment I am 'Shakin' in this cold weather, but 'I like it Hot' - and that is what I will be in the new jacket.
It will also save me buying a new jacket. So I'll have 'Money to Burn'.
There will probably be a few 'Tears from a Fool' who don't win. But I want it 'All or Nothing'.
Ian Houseman
Birchmoor, Tamworth
Dear Sam
If I won the jacket, to wear it would show my support for Wolfsbane, because here they are four lads from my home town, who play heavy metal just as good as some of the well established heavy metal bands, and I think they're doing a brilliant job and will go on to even greater things than they have already.
Now Tamworth has something to be proud of musicwise, because these lads have at last put us on the heavy metal map, and I think the more support the lads get, the better it will become for them.
Yours faithfully,
Tamworth Road, Amington, Tamworth
Dear Sam
I would love to win Jeff's jacket because I think the record company must be Loco with Money to Burn, and I will turn into a Killing Machine if the jacket gets Greasy even in the back of a Limousine.
I will go on a Manhunt as I Like it Hot and I can Paint the Town Red, and Dance Dirty. I want All or Nothing and this Pretty Baby won't stop Shakin' and crying Tears from a Fool if I win. It will be like a gift that Fell out of Heaven.
Frances Gee
Brooke Avenue, Wolfsbane
Dear Sam
Give me the Wolfsbane jacket or else! I'll kill myself. That's not a joke. If I had a Wolfsbane jacket worn by Jeff I'd be one lucky cow. I love everything about them. When I hear their name mentioned I shake. I'd walk through fire just to get that jacket. I'd do any mortal thing just to get that jacket. I'd fight to the death with a savage pack of wolves. Be beaten till death. I need this jacket to survive. Since I first heard them it has changed my whole life. Please, please, please save me from torture Sam. Please give me the jacket before I go mad. Otherwise up until now you've Lived Fast and you will Die Fast.
Thanks alot.
Mel Burns,
Polesworth, nr. Tamworth
Tamworth Herald - 02/03/90
Lincolns has become THE place to go on a Thursday night for all lovers of Indie and alternative music.
For the venue's weekly indie discos have been growing steadily every week to the point where they have now firmly established themselves as a major success story. Delighted organiser Neil Perkins says that the loyal following the discos have now grabbed should make the nights a permanent part of the local-music scene.
"We envisaged that it would take a long time to get to the sort of figures that we are getting but we have quickly exceeded our initial target figure. Last week we had people from Birmingham, Cannock and around, and it is clear we are now on the map for these discos." He said'
The music ranges from old Tamworth favourites like The Cure, The Cult and New Model Army to the latest in top indie sounds all put together by Birmingham Indie DJ Tony Reynolds. Entry to Lincolns on a Thursday is only a pound and the whole venture has clearly caught the imagination of the areas alternative folk...
"We have a great atmosphere among those that turn up on a Thursday. Everyone really enjoys themselves, there is never a hint of trouble and as far as I am concerned it is a very successful night for everyone." he said.
Tamworth Herald- 02/03/90
A splendid photo of Ben Machin, the Big Noise singer, when the only noise he made was the thwacking of a ping pong ball.
THE Big Noise travel to Bradford tomorrow (Saturday) hoping to dish out the medicine to the opposition to the latest round of the national Battle of the Bands contest.
Machin’s men will take on three as yet unknown acts in the hope of progressing further in the event. If they do so they will go one step further than fellow Tamworthians Shock Culture who disappointingly missed out in their recent round despite a very well-received performance.
The Big Noise will travel to Bradford happy in the knowledge that they have already received a major vote of confidence outside these boundaries. For, in the middle of last week, the band’s ‘Can’t Help Myself’ demo was played on Radio WM and was given an eight out of ten rating and voted as the Best Demo of the Month by Jenny Wilks who deals with unsigned Midlands acts.
Tamworth Herald- 02/03/90
THAT most endearingly cute of local musicians Glenn ‘Hoover’ Lewis returns to Tamworth action on Sunday when he brings his new band Honeyjump to Lincolns alongside much-raved Magnificent Linkage.
The two band modern pop show should provide the perfect anticdote to anyone who doesn’t fancy the metal mayhem occurring at the Arts Centre on the same evening.
Honeyjump are the fashionably Bop Baroque of old, complete with a new name and a slice of TV stardom following their appearance last week on Central TV’s First Night. They have inherited all Bop Baroque’s dance style and quality and any band that has the sense to employ master bass-man Glenn ‘Daddy Longlegs’ Lewis must be worth an ear or two.
The two band show has the usual Lincolns pricetag of £1.00 and looks like being one of those that you may wish you had seen in years to come judging by the reputation of both acts.
Big Noise
Bradford Battle of the Bands
Tamworth Arts Centre
Magnificent Lkage
Bob Baroque
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
THE TAMWORTH music scene is all set for a Capital Night Out.
For following Catch 23’s recent triumphant appearance at the Mean Fiddler in London the band were asked to return to the venue and bring a couple of other bands from the area with them for a Tamworth showcase.
So, that is exactly what they have done and they have now booked Easter Sunday for a Tamworth Showcase Special which will also feature The New Puritans and Banned In Yellow.
What makes the event so special is that it is certain to be attended by a great deal of record company bigwigs. The usual crop of Catch 23ophiles will be there of course but both Banned in Yellow and The New Puritans should also benefit with the Wedding Present management for example coming along to have a look at the Puritans.
The whole evening will be promoted as a Tamworth bands night and it came about after a recent Catch 23 show at the prestigious Mean Fiddler which had the management there in raptures.
“Their set included three brand new songs all of which were very well received and by all accounts it was their best gig to date,” said group manager Alan Webster. “As this new gig will be the night before the Mandela show at Wembley Stadium a sell out is assured and we hope to have one or two ‘names’ there so all the groups should benefit.”
Catch 23 are now in the process of organising a veritable convoy of coaches. With the popularity of both the Yellowites and the Puritans around five or six coaches are expected to go from Tamworth and Atherstone and the whole cost is a mere fiver. I for one think this will be a great night out and if you do too why not ring Alan Webster and book your place. It will be a very big night for Tamworth’s music scene – dare you miss it?
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
RIKK Quay’s latest musical creation – Rhythm Damage – make their live debut on Sunday night in support of the mighty Bash Out The Odd at Lincolns.
The two bands – with hopefully another group in tandem – will combine their very different styles to make for one of the area’s most interesting gigs for some time.
For Bash Out The Odd it will be a chance to return to a venue which brought them great praise and adulation on their last visit. The group were delighted with the way the crowd responded to their first Lincolns show and they are hoping to further capitalise on that enthusiasm with a slice of pure pop on the night.
Joining them will be Rhythm Damage which is the latest in a long line of Rikk Quay projects. This is one the wild old buzzard feels particularly excited about because it is hard, no compromise alternative electro pop with an emphasis on dance and destruction. Quay feels he has really found his forte – and his perfect playing partners – and he is keenly awaiting the gig. The Damage boys promise a short but sweet set which should prove a real appetizer for future events.
Also on the bill are a third band (apparently) but MUSICBOX has no idea who they are so go along and get set for anything from Mannilow to Motorhead. Lincolns fun starts at 8.
Down the road at the Arts Centre on Sunday will be metal outfit Resist. Much more than that we don’t know so please contact the Centre for more details or if you are a metal fan why not take a risk and test the water for yourself. If you do let us know what it was like.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
The whole Tamworth music scene was put firmly under the microscope in the national music press last week. For in a huge two-page article in Melody Maker, writing duo The Stud Brothers went on a tour-de-Tamworth as part of a Wolfsbane article. The end result was an article all about Tamworth and a little bit about the Wolfies which made for fascinating and hilarious reading. Rikk Quay was mentioned nearly every paragraph while the immensely immense Buttercup went one step further by having his face splattered all over the page. In addition Emma Gibbs were given a plug as were Kraze and the whole article gave a massive thumbs up to the lovely watering hole known as The Tavern in the Town. The Stud Brothers clearly caught the spirit of Tamworth in their amazing article and their perceptions that everyone in the town seems to be in a band and everyone in the Tavern swears at one another shows a deep sense of understanding about just what this area is all about. Great stuff and proof positive that Buttercup is a major star of this parish.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
JUBILANT members of The Big Noise are being extra noisy this week having won through to the next round in the national Battle of the Bands awards held in Bradford.
A superb performance by Ben, Carl and Ana ensured the success of the band, who were only recently Radio WK’s ‘demo of the month’ winners.
The Noise boys now join with the bizarrely named ‘Virtually Fat Freez’ (almost equally impressive!) to go into the next round of the contest.
Dr. Stranges Night Out
Old Liberal House
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
Those Great Stan Chappies are in action again tonight (Friday). For at the Old Liberal House in Amington a strange night of entertainment billed as Dr. Stranges Night Out will take place featuring a hypnotist, an ‘odd and perplexing’ rope man, an oriental magician and a dream investigator. Put simply this is one weird night out so if you fancy being hypnotised, amazed and bemused get your legs along to the Liberal house tonight and BOOGIE!
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
Tamworth moves into Birmingham on Sunday when local bands ‘The Naked Touch’ latest creation of Michael J. Fleming, and Shock Culture play at ‘Dirty Bet’s ‘ at the New Talbot Inn on the Hagley Road in Bearwood.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
Chemikill have lined up a gig at the Arts Centre which they are going to use as a Tamworth Rock Festival fundraiser. If you want to join them (and they are looking for two bands of any musical denomination) contact the Herald and we will sort it out.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
According to Catch 23 singer Steve Webster (who looks like Joey Boswell or Jason Donovan), Emma Gibbs man Lee Revelle is the spitting image of Alex Higgins. With Bayley Cooke also looking like a mixture between JC and George Best, and Buttercup looking like a male Twiggy, Steve thought a look-a-likes item here might be a nice idea. Any other lookalike suggestions to the BOX please.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
Your views and comments
THIS IS an apology for last Sunday night’s total mess up! We would like to say thank you to the people that did turn up for our gig and sorry for the bad sound.
The reason e walked off through the ‘Heaven to Hell’ track was that when we started the gig we had a total ‘duff’ sound that got worse as it went on then during the ‘Heaven to Hell’ track we got a total white noise boom over everything (So we couldn’t hear one another!). So we did the best we could do but we couldn’t bear it any longer so we stopped! It wasn’t fair to subject anymore on the dwindling crowd. The next time we play we will have a PA that understands our needs and sounds. That’s Tamworth own Reverb sounds that said that the sound was not that good (in our words *****).
We personally think that the PA we used couldn’t handle rock band sounds.
The next gig according to Reverb was that we will return to destroy the Arts Centre!
So, once again. Chemikill are sorry!
Chemikill, Tamworth Herald
THE past few weeks you have featured your bands of the Eighties, why have you stopped?
There could be so many other bands you could include, why don’t you feature a few more including Terroah.
Please start it again and picture some of the ones you have missed out, including Terroah not just for me but all the others who could do with a good laugh.
It would be interesting to see how they look now to how they looked then. It could be embarrassing for a few people. It makes a change for me to write to you without moaning about something. I know you will do your best ever.
Yours Goldie
RE: Chemikill – How refreshing to see a band apologise for their sound ‘quality’. What a terribly nice bunch of chaps these are for such vicious looking boys. And you’re right about Reverb – more power to Tamworth PS I say!!
RE: Best Bands of the 80s – This series has not finished and it will be continuing when times are quieter than they are now. I’ve got some real beauties lined up including the mighty Terroah and Tamworth’s sexiest every band, The Classified Ads – Sam.

Tamworth Herald – 09/03/90
Wolfsbane – Tamworth Arts Centre
BACK at the Wolf’s Lair and back with sheer arrogant quality. This gig was always destined to be a major event and that is exactly how it turned out to be. Wolfsbane looked relaxed and happy, the crowd went into varying stages of delirium and the sound, courtesy of Reverb Sounds was a big and as strong as any I have heard at the Arts Centre before. Put the elements of a great band, a great crowd and a great sound together and the end result is inevitable – WIPEOUT!!
For fully 90 minutes, Bayley, Jeff, Jase and Mad Dog enthralled the sweaty hundreds with a set that proved that all that hard work in the rehearsal room was not wasted. Bayley had told me before the gig that the band were determined this tour to get the ‘Live fast, Die Fast’ songs as good on stage as they were on vinyl and oh boy did they live up to that hope. The expected triumphs were all there – ‘Manhunt’, ‘Fell outa Heaven’ and ‘Killing Machine’ – but even more pleasing was how one or tow other tracks have found a renewed life. The new single ‘I Like It Hot’ received its best ever live airing and had the whole crowd singing along, ‘Shakin’ made a mockery of its vinyl equivalent with a full and filthy sound while best of all was the sparkling rendition of the languid ‘Tears of a Fool’, which was a major pleasing surprise. Of the couple of newies, the stylish and intricate ‘After Midnight’ stood out like Edward Ian Armchair at a midgets convention and with the added slice of classic Wolfsbanian moments like ‘Paint The Town Red’ and ‘Loco’ it made for a hugely satisfying set which can have disappointed no-one. Musically the band were tighter than a pair of rubber underpants. Bayley’s personality dominated like never before and I was also most impressed with the powerhouse effect of Steve’s drumming which sounded bolder and brassier than ever before.
I know my terms of reference are very limited but I can honestly say that Wolfsbane are now my favourite metal band in the world. They excite, amuse, dazzle and delight and there are few places I would rather be on this planet that at a hot and smelly Arts Centre when the hot and smelly Wolfsbane are on stage. The sooner they storm the Paradise City the better.
Love em.
Sam Holliday
Naked Touch
Shock Culture
Dirty Betty’s
Hagley Road
Bash Out The Odd
Rhythm Damage
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
Muffled, messy, moronic, mad mayhem – The reason I loathe thrash metal (Thanks, Denis!)
Rocket Rikk’s long awaited return, and the old boy was in absolutely stirring form. Five songs, each one a corker, a long, hearty populist diatribe against the poll tax, and tapes and drum machines that worked. For the first time in a while, Rikk was up front, giving it everything with some surprisingly excellent vocals in a band that is 100 per cent harder and more uncompromising than DHSS ever were. Longstanding Quay watchers might remember the Pakistani Brothers, and this is not dissimilar, if vastly updated. Quintessential Quay, back doing his sort of music, whatever the consequences and if you don’t like it, go away (or something like that!) Me, I love it.
It hurts to do this, but I’m going to have to, Bash Out The Odd are extremely good at what they do, superbly professional, always likely to attract a crowd, but ultimately, very, very dull.
I’ve always admired Mark Brindley as a singer, and his voice is extremely well suited to Mark Mortimer’s soul-influenced anthems, with a rhythm section that is tighter than Sean Atkins wallet, and horns all over the place.
But the sad fact is that it still sounds like late-period Jam, a concept which the Dream factory, did far better five years ago.
The limited audience reaction (no call for an encore, but they did one anyway) seems to suggest that as far as Morty is concerned, his Tamworth following seems to have come and gone. Sad but soulless.
Review by Martin Warrillow
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
Let’s Meet
A meeting is being called for all COMMITTEE members of the Tamworth Rock festival this weekend.
The meeting, the first for the committee this year, will be open as usual to anyone who wants to help organise the event. We stress that this is not a full scale meeting for all the bands, just one for those prepared to add that little bit extra and call themselves a committee-person (no sexism here!)
It’s at the Tavern and it starts at 7.30pm on Sunday
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
DHSS have switched the venue for their forthcoming Tamworth show. Ed’s outfit will now be playing at Tamworth Arts Centre on Sunday April 1st rather than at Lincolns on March 25. Support on the night will come from the First Conspiracy.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
Neil Marklew’s Lincolns scene has moved to Night Moves in Bolebridge Street. The nightclub above the Wishing Well, will be taking bands every Sunday and Indie discos every week. Neil can provide more details. Lincolns is apparently carrying on with their own shows which start this week with the combination of alternative acts Limited Edition (hello boys!) and The Unknown.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
Fetch Eddie have just grabbed a new manger who has fallen in love with the band. They are currently rehearsing new material and are hoping to release a new demo at the end of this month. Watch this space.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
Banned In Yellow have a few nice shows on the horizon. On March 29 they visit the Lord Nelson, on April 8 they take the trek to the Hare and Hounds in Birmingham and on April 16 they join a Rock Against Meat festival at Derby. On April 28 they are at Vonnies in Burton and on May 1 you can catch them in Stoke. In between all these of course is the wonderful night out in London where they join Catch 23 and The New Puritans at the Mean Fiddler on Sunday April 15.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
A special seminar on how to run a successful recording studio is to be held in Birmingham on Tuesday April 24. The course which will be addressed by music chiefs and recording studio bosses, is open to anyone who fancy’s being as Expresso Bongo of the future.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
A new band influenced by The Wonderstuff, Primal Scream and The Stone Roses are looking to support a Tamworth band at any forthcoming gig. The group, Climb The Waterfall, can be contacted by ringing Dave.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
Saddest but truest comment of the week came from that man Rikk Quay last Thursday. Looking through a couple of appalling reviews of the Stranglers new album he said ‘it looks as though the ONLY glowing review of the Stranglers LP will be in the Herald yet again.’ Well, I can’t help it if the rest of the music press is STOOPID.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
Wolfsbane – I Like It Hot (Phonogram)
Top of the Pops watchout!
That’s the only thing you can say about this corking little 45 which everybody in the knows feels is going to be the one that will really break the charts and as a result, the band and the album.
Always the most accessible track on the ‘Live Fast Die Fast’ collection, this is rock music for the masses, combining a hard driving guitar slog with a cute-as-sugar-candy chorus. The moment I heard this track I fell in love with it and it is precisely the immediacy that makes me feel it will make a dramatic beeline for the charts.
The single which is accompanied by a brilliant high-budget video, is backed by a live version of ‘Limo’ on the 7 inch and then ‘Loco’ on the 12-inch and should prove a winner with the Wolfie fan and the Wolfie-curious alike. It’s a far better choice for a single than ‘Shakin’ and it’s a far better record. Letus now hope it has a far better chart placing because I for one am determined to blag my way into the Top of the pops studio and try and kill a DJ or two.
Buy it EN MASSE!!!!!
Sam Holliday
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
(We only have limited details of any of these shows so please ring the venues concerned for more info)
FRIDAY (Tonight) Tamworth Arts Centre
Euphoria Disco: Indie disco sounds plus live music. (Ring: 53092)
SUNDAY – Tamworth Arts Centre: The Sandmen (Ring: 53092)
SUNDAY – Lincolns Nightclub, Church Street: The Unknown/Limited Edition (Ring: 63058)
SUNDAY – Night Moves Nightclub, Bolebridge Street: Rumblefish/Those Americans (Ring 68704)
THURSDAY – Birmingham Irish Centre: King Pleasure and the Biscuit Boys/Expresso Bongo Orchestra. Ticket details from Paul.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/90
The Restricted
Tamworth’s boldest exponents of the new punk phenomenon that was established around the likes of GBH and Discharge. A charming four piece whose bark was always worse than their bite but who had a very happy knack of writing good, snappy tunes. Wiggall (left), Andy Tuffield (second right) and Brian pear went on to various other pursuits, but I’m happy to say that Roger Moore (second left) is still blasting out great tunes for the First Conspiracy. A personal favourite of mine these were, we shared many great Youth Club gigs.
Femme Fatale
One of Tamworth’s more sombre outfits but one who could dazzle in their own darkness at times.
Based around Debbie’s haunting lead vocal, the band delved into the black waters of post punk modernism and created the odd gem of a tune that helped them build up a loyal and large following.
Moody and malevolent but occasionally mesmeric.
No one has been nearly as dark ever since.
The Soil Brothers
Yee Hah! One of the Great Bands of the 80s who still have a foothold in the Great Hopes of the 90s. Based around Steve MacNamee’s fulsome personality and fulsome melodies, the band played just about every instrument that no-one else played and ended up as a right royal dose of fun. Few Tamworth bands ever enjoyed themselves or smiled as much as these chaps and few ever got near to equalling their magical first demo.
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Arts Centre
Limited Edition
Those Americans
Night Moves
King Pleasure and the Biscuit Boys
Expresso Bongo Orchestra
Irish Centre
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/90
The amazing size and strength of the Tamworth music scene has been underlined again with news that the Town will now have THREE separate venues operating on a Sunday night.
The latest to add its name is Night Moves in Bolebridge Street, which has joined Lincolns and the Tamworth Arts Centre in its bid to attract the area’s many gig goers to a Sunday night smile.
The reason for the new expanding venue scene can be summed up in two words. Neil Marklew.
Neil, a jovial music-lover returned to the Tamworth area a few months ago to work for Lincolns in Church Street. As a former ‘Rathole’ fan he was keen to get bands playing at the venue once again and a few weeks ago he did just that. As a result so far big names like Dance Stance, Bash Out The Odd, Honeyjump and The New Puritans have since trod the boards and their reaction has been very enthusiastic. Then however Neil was offered the chance to manage the popular Tamworth nightspot ‘Night Moves’. He agreed to do so on condition he was allowed to continue to put on bands on a Sunday at his new home. He got the go-ahead for that and the Night Moves scene was born. Meanwhile, Clive Bartram from Lincolns decided to carry on with gigs at his own place and after appointing the entrepreneurial Mark Mortimer to take over promotions, it left Tamworth with three venues – the Arts Centre, The Rathole at Lincolns and Night Moves. All are hoping to provide entertainment for local music listeners – but all are aiming to be number one.
“I feel that Night Moves will in the long term be a greater asset to the Tamworth live and Indie music fans who hope, as I do, to have a venue for major bands on their doorstep,” explained Night Moves man Neil. “There is no malice between myself and Clive and Simon at Lincolns and it was only after great consideration for the future of my career that I decided to move,” he said.
Lincolns however reacted swiftly to rumours that they would now stop taking bands. They changed their venue’s name back to The Rathole and asked Bash Out The Odd’s Mark Mortimer to take over the job of putting on shows. Mark, surely the most experienced man on the local scene at getting gigs, was keen to take on this new challenge and already names like The Guana Batz and The Climax Blues Band are lined up for the revamped Rathole.
“Along with Clive Bartram I will be promoting shows at Lincolns and we both see it as an exciting challenge to bring name-groups back to the Town,” explained Mark. The venue is established and is already attracting bands from the UK and even Yugoslavia. Tamworth with such a buzzing scene needs and deserves a venue credible enough to attract name acts as well as promoting local groups with a platform to play prestigious support and headline slots,” he said.
Nobody should ever complain again that they have nothing to do on a Sunday night.
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/90
Euphoric Movements
AMONG the first to move as a result of all the new changes in the local venue situation is the EUPHORIA project.
Euphoria, which started as a monthly Tamworth Arts Centre disco and live thaang has now taken the short trip to the upstairs room of Lincolns on a Thursday evening. According to a Euphoric press release…”We are now carrying on at Lincolns every Thursday and power cuts permitting it will hopefully be the same.’ The weekly Euphoria disco (and occasional live band) will then replace Tony and Neil’s Indie disco which has now moved to Night Moves of a Thursday night. Confused? Don’t worry you will soon sort it out.
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/90
King Woderick and the Yogots are the first local band to be featured on an exciting new tape project. Limelight, which has been in the planning for several months, is a cassettes only release which features a host of unsigned bands every month and is sent on to record companies and management teams. Having seen the first issue I can assure you that it is a quality release which features a glossy sleeve offering each band a page of information apiece. Buyers of the tape are then invited to choose their favourite tracks and to subscribe to the venture. The first, ground breaking copy of Limelight, costs £4.50. I have a sneak feeling it is going to be a winner so the Yogots are VERY handily placed indeed.
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/90
Here’s a list of the very attractive shows set for The Rathole at Lincolns. Catch a load of this little lot…
Sunday March 25 – Little Terry’s Blues Band/Izzy Skint
Sunday April 1 – April Fools Day Special
Sunday April 8 – Moneygods/Flowers in the Attic/Broken Dreams
Thursday April 12 – Guana Batz/The DHSS
Sunday April 15 – Climax Blues Band/Alas Smith and Jones
Thursday April 19 – Borghesai (from Yugoslavia)
Sunday April 22 – Korova Milk Bar/Breaking Point
Sunday April 29 – Dance Stance/Rhythm Damage
Sunday May 6 – Bash Out The Odd
Sunday May 13 – The Honey Smugglers/Emma Gibbs
Sunday May 20 – The Parachute Men/Infinity
Sunday May 27 – We’re Going To Eat You
Sunday June 10 – Dance Stance/Bash Out The Odd
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/90
The latest copy of the excellent Wolfsbane fanzine HMS is now out and is once again a hefty 40 big pages and packed with news, comments, pictures and articles. The HMC covers everything from an American tour diary to Jeff’s fave albums and Wolfie penpals.
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/90
Tamworth wit-king and sex symbol Bue, is among the main attractions tonight (Friday) when the Old Liberal House at Amington stages a comedy and music spectacular.
The latest in the series of Great Stan Cabaret evenings, features a marvellous line-up of comic talent that brings together some of the best alternative comedians seen in Tamworth.
The wicked Frank Skinner returns fresh from a series of fine shows throughout the country and the Black Country style of Shaun Percival is also on offer. Throw in The Queens Illegitimate Children (not to be missed apparently) and Paul Ramone (surreal, brilliant and above all hilarious) plus an r and b crew in City Wide Brief and you have an all-round entertainment force PAR EXCELLENCE.
Tickets are £3 on the door of the Old Liberal House tonight (Friday) and advance tickets should be available from Corvettes, Rebel records and Inner Sleeve. Those who enjoy it enormously can also travel to Lichfield on Saturday when the whole caravan moves to take over the Arts Centre in Lichfield. A very giggly weekend indeed.
Great Stan’s Cabaret
Frank Skinner
Shaun Percival
The Queens Illegitimate Children
Paul Ramone
City Wide Brief
Old Liberal House
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/90
MUSICBOX Ed Sam Holliday enjoyed the peak of his music journalistic career last week courtesy of the TV prog Rapido!. The show featured The Stranglers who were asked, how they described themselves. Drummer Jet Black said that ‘a recent journalist described us as misfits and we all agreed with that.’ Lo and behold I think that a ‘recent journalist’ was ME because I sued the exact same term in a review of the band at Brixton last year which is set to appear in their fan magazine ‘Strangled’. The Stranglers quoting Sam Holliday? That’s it, you can take me now Lord.
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/90
Tamworth is a three gig town this Sunday with events at Tamworth Arts Centre, Lincolns and Night Moves.
At Night Moves we have Lichfield-based outfit Born Blind and old Tamworth favourites Empire Falls. Meanwhile down the road at Lincolns (The Rathole) we find a nice one for blues fans in the pairing of the Little Terry’s Blues Band and Izzy Skint.
Completing the choice is two new bands to the area – Joharis Window and Disciples of Heresy. The Disciples are not too well known to this column but Joharis Window have sent a fulsome and impressive press release which explains that the band have influences along the lines of Pink Floyd, John Martyn, Sisters of Mercy and Led Zeppelin.
Little Terry’s Blues Band
Izzy Skint
The Rathole, Lincolns
Joharis Window
Disciples of Heresy
Tamworth Arts Centre
Born Blind
Empire Falls
Night Moves
Banned in Yellow
Lord Nelson
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/90
TAMWORTH elevates itself to the status of a major gigging City this week when no less than FIVE local concerts aim to grab your interest.
With one tonight (Friday), a further three on Sunday and then a fifth on Thursday night Tamworth’s gig-goers look set to be bamboozled and broke by this time next week.
And, it is not as if it is easy choosing which one, two or three gigs you are going to see. Big national names like Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine, the Penny Candles and Benny Profane will be vying for your ‘wad’ against the debut of the all new DHSS and the return of the Yogots, and local gig-goers have every right to feel truly confused.
MUSICBOX is equally under pressure at the moment to try and give a fair and representative view of who is doing what and it seems to me that this is all getting a little bit silly. It is great for Tamworth to have so much going on but there surely isn’t the audience to justify all these gigs.
Some very big names are going to play to some very small audiences in the next few weeks and that will do Tamworth no good at all. Still, gripe over, here is a broad view of what is going on. We don’t have enormous amounts of details on some of the gigs but we hope at least that this will give you a bit of a guide as to where to spend your hard earned cash. Here is the list of who is doing what, followed by a more details breakdown.
Tonight (Friday) – Tamworth Arts Centre: King Woderick and the Yogots/Shock Culture/Shakespeare Monkey/The Fireflies
Sunday – The Rathole (Lincolns): Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine/Support
Sunday – Tamworth Arts Centre: The DHSS/The First Conspiracy/Vindaloo Breakfast
Sunday – Night Moves: Penny Candles/Hallelujah Trail
Thursday – Night moves: Benny Profane/Support.
Right, now for it all in a BIT more detail.
Tamworth Arts Centre (Friday)
A very important night for The Yogots for whom a great deal is happening at the moment. I will take a bit of a liberty with their excellent press release to fill in the story…
“Lots of good things have been happening to The Yogots camp over the period from Christmas. The bands management have so far secured the group with a host of major University shows and on the night there should be several VIPs watching them who can further help their career. This showcase gig gives them the opportunity to perform a lot of the new material unfamiliar to fans who have seen their set in the past.”
In support of the Yogots will be Shock Culture, fresh from their triumph in Bradford, a new Polesworth band with the excellent name of Shakespeare Monkey and London-based crew The Firefllies. The fiery ones already have a single out and are well known on the Capital circuit. All together it makes for a sparkling four band Arts Centre show which will cost you a mere £2.
One of the ‘hippest’ bands on the current Indie circuit and one who represent quite a ‘coup’ for The Rathole. The group who have been going for some time have suddenly and dramatically hit the top of the Indie popularity pops and they will certainly prove quite a draw for those who like this kind of thaaang. One of the biggest names to hit Tamworth in the current wave of gigs, they bring with them their own support and offer you all their goodies for a mere £3.
The Penny people are coming all the way from Hull on Sunday night for this gig and they come with a fine pedigree to boot. Already with one acclaimed single under their wings (a 12 incher on RedEye Records) the band are one of the North’s growing Indie forces. In support will be popular Birmingham group the Hallelujah Trail who already have a name in these parts. The group has frequently hit the heights throughout the West Midlands and they are seen as an ideal support for the Candles. The venue is Night Moves in Bolebridge Street.
Despite the bug-name attractions elsewhere, methinks that this bash at the Arts Centre may well be the one that really pulls those punters in. The First Conspiracy don’t play gigs too often these days so every one is a treat and as their last one was a real BLASTER I for one an looking forward to hearing those surging melodies yet again.
Also on offer will be the Vindaloo Breakfast boys, a group as intriguing as their name. The four Hamleteers (or is it five) serve up a heady brew which led to Jack Napier’s ‘Jimi Hendrix on mogodons’ comparison. Topping them all off will be the all new DHSS making their live debut with their fresh line-up. Only Ed Armchair remains of the 1989 variety of the band and he has now been joined by a former DHSS drummer Martin Watts, ex-Parade bassist Andy Stokes, former Green Swings man Adam Cukrowski and vocalist Jessica Pitcher who has never performed live before. The music remains the same power-driven pop of yer-old DHSS but it is now played with traditional instruments rather than computers and the end result has delighted all the band members.
“Everyone is very excited about it all,” explained Ed. “I was very lucky to get such like-minded musicians and they are all convinced that it is the best thing they have been involved in. I agree totally and feel that we have the capabilities to be the best band to come out of Tamworth for many years.”
The new band will combine several former DHSS favourites alongside newies like ‘Better Times’, Slavedriver’ and ‘The Scandal of Billy Randall’ and the entire mixture is one which Ed feels will prove very popular.
To find out if he is right – and also to enjoy the multi-pleasures of The First Conspiracy and Vindaloo Breakfast, get along to the Arts Centre on Sunday.
Benny Profane plus Support – Night Moves (Thursday)
Thursday night promises to be a real treat for Indie fans as one of the Midlands best bands hits Night Moves. Benny Profane, who recently played to 800 people at Burberries in Birmingham are exactly the sort of high profile, big name act that Night Moves is determined to attract and they are certain to prove a winner with the Thursday night Indie movers. As the indie scene is a bit of a barren area to me I can’t say much more but I can confirm that this lot come highly recommended.
King Woderick and the Yogots
Shock Culture
Shakespeare Monkey
The Fireflies
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/90
Wolfsbane’s ‘I Like It Hot’ entered the national charts at number 88 last week. We are hoping that by the time you have read this it will have climbed still further. Latest news from the band’s tour is that everything is going along very indeed and I am assured that their Birmingham Irish Centre gig was an absolute CORKER!
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/90
Fetch Eddie have secured a new one-year management contract which has hopefully laid the foundations for some very nice things indeed. The band are currently in the midst of recording a brand new demo and they return to local live action on May 6 at Night Moves.
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/90
Bash Out The Odd are to record a video next month. Up to three songs will be recorded in a full scale video session which should help give the band a useful visual addition to their considerable marketing package.
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/90
A new rock band influenced by the likes of Guns ‘n’ Roses, Aerosmith and Underneath What are looking for a new vocalist. Rock singers who can give it some are urged to ring Dave.
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/90
Don’t forget Catch 23, the New Puritans and Banned In Yellow are combining their considerable talents for a high profile ‘Tamworth Showcase’ at the Mean Fiddler in London on April 16. Full details of coach travel (and there are a lot of folks going!) can be obtained by contacting Alan Webster.
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/90
MUSICBOX popped along to Amington last week for the latest Great Stan’s Alternative Cabaret Show which was truly excellent. First rate performances by the likes of Paul Ramone and the brilliant Frank Skinner were supplemented by some great moments from Great Stan, Great Glen and Great Bue. Great Bue was particularly wicked and if you bump into him signing autographs to his female admirers in the tavern, get him to tell you the football clubhouse joke.
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/90
Rock against the Poll Tax!
Dear Sam,
We are writing to you on behalf of the Dordon and surrounding area Anti-Poll Tax committee.
We have just appointed Mick Rutherford as our Rock Against The Poll Tax organiser. Over the next few months we will be organising a series of concerts to raise money for the Anti-Poll Tax fund.
The first of these concerts will be announced in the next few weeks, and will feature a nationally known named band. What we would like is for all local bands in the Tamworth and Atherstone area to ring one of the numbers printed at the end of this letter and pledge their support so the growing movement within the music industry and the country, against the Poll tax, which many just cannot afford.
The series of concerts which will be held in various venues within the area will feature local bands and national bands if and where possible.
The will culminate hopefully in the summer with a massive outdoor festival which will include some local bands and the band will be topped by nationally known band. What we want is local bands to phone us pledging their support, also people willing to pledge large venue to hold these concerts.
Say No
We need your support. The lady from No.10 she says yet, people of Great Britain we say NO!
Rock Against The poll Tax on behalf of the Anti-Poll Tax.