Tamworth Bands History : 1990 : May
Banned in Yellow
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
It’s Pure Eddie
TWO of the area’s hottest properties Fetch Eddie and the New Puritans are among the band’s featured in this Sunday’s gig bonanza.
For the Puritans it will be the latest in a series of local shows while for Fetch Eddie it will be their first for a relatively long period of time.
Sadly the two bands are playing at separate gigs on Sunday as Tamworth becomes a two gig town yet again. Thankfully their appears to be no concert at the Arts Centre but the choice between the main two events is enough to cause confusion in itself.
The two concerts feature…
The Rathole (Lincolns) – The Moment/The New Puritans/Peter Tuesday
Nightmoves – Fetch Eddie/The Magnificent Linkage
You want more info? Well, to quote Roy Orbison ‘anything you want, you got it…’
A very exciting line-up this one. Obviously most local attention will be focused on those guitar wizards of the New Puritans fresh from their Mean Fiddler triumph, but there are two more joys to behold as well. Headliners are a band from Cambridge called The Moment of whom much is expected…Alongside them are a new Lichfield troup called Peter Tuesday. This elegantly named combo draw a host of modern comparisons not least The Wonderstuff, which can’t be bad cannit? Put these two alongside the mighty New Puritans and you have a three band show that looks very tempting. Venue; The Rathole, start 8.00pm, expectation: high.
A lusty cry of ‘welcome back to Fetch Eddie’ rings around the Town! Yes these most endearing of popsters are back in Tamworth and by all accounts they’re raring to go. They have been away from these shores for a little while due mainly to recording studios and a baby but they are now keen to step up their activity again and show their loyal Tamworth watchers just what they have been missing. Sunday’s appearance will be their first in Tamworth for several months and as a result one or two new tracks are almost certain to find their way out of the amps. Fetch Eddie are rarely less than a treat and they are sure to receive a hero’s welcome again. Supporting them will be a respected Birmingham dance/pop band called the Magnificent Lkage. Having already trod the Tamworth boards to good effect they are sure to bring an enthusiastic response from local gig-goers again and their link up with Fetch Eddie like a musical marriage of great note. Venue: Nightmoves, start 8.00pm, expectation: high.
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
Crazy screams abound
IMMENSELY popular grebo-warriors Crazyhead hit The Rathole on Thursday for a major show alongside Tamworth outfit Scream.
The combination of the two potential crowdpullers should give the Rathole one of its biggest Thursday audiences yet, and a very powerful night is assured.
Headliners Crazyhead have carved themselves a reputation for being one of the most powerful bands around…Supporting them will be a ‘new’ Tamworth band called simply Scream. The word new earned it’s single quotation marks because this is really the 1990 version of Scream Dream complete with a new line-up and without the Dream in the title!
“After we lost both our drummer and our bassist things went very quiet but we then struck lucky on two fronts. First we met up with Stu our new drummer and then while we were in Hamlets we spotted this guy who looked like a bass player. We went and spoke to him and lo and behold he WAS a bass player and so he joined us as well,” they say.
The new bassist – Mark has fitted in extremely well as has drummer Stu, and the effect has been to make the band just as good and strong as ever. One or two tunes have survived the older days (including the brilliant ‘Hometown’) and they have been supplemented by seven more newies which are melodic and exciting.
Scream are delighted to be making their ‘debut’ alongside Crazyhead as Scream-er Ted Wilson is a big fan of the Crazies and has travelled a fair few miles to see them in the past. This time he will have to travel merely into Tamworth town and so must you because this looks like a concert not to be missed. It’s at the Rathole on Thursday, it starts at 8 and it promises to be one of the best shows in the Town this year. Get along.
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
The Tamworth Rock Festival committee are holding a meeting on Sunday at the Tavern in the Town. It starts at 7.30pm and all committee members are welcome.
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
Plan B are on the lookout for a singer. The band who can be contacted by Dave Caswell or Nig Roe in Hamlets are original and distinctive and are looking for someone to suit that sort of style.
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
Stench are on the lookout for a singer. If their tasteful psycho-billy sounds is to your taste why not contact Nick for more information.
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
A band with influences including U2, The Who and Genesis are looking for a drummer and a bassist to complete their line up. Dedication and enthusiasm are a must.
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
The Our Price Records shop in Tamworth is opening its doors to local musicians. The Ankerside-based shop is inviting any local bands or individual musicians to go into the shop and busk in aid of the forthcoming ITV Telethon. As well as having a chance to show your talents you can also sell your demos etc. at the same time. Interested? Why not pop into the shop and see Lisa?
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
Clive, the enthusiastic boss of The Rathole, has come up with a neat way of fundraising for the festival. He is allowing us to run a pop quiz at the venue – with all the questions being on the local music scene. It sounds a great idea and when we have looked into it a bit more, we will give you more information.
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
Breaking Point – The Rathole
Perhaps it has just been too long since Breaking Point last played but I really expected better from them. The new material seemed to lack the impact of the old songs and the aggression of a few years ago was lost in self-indulgent guitar solos. But perhaps the comparison is unfair because the ‘old’ Breaking Point had spent years following their distinctive, powerful style while this is just the beginning of a new slightly different brand of music. The power is still there though, as they showed with a performance of ‘Brotherhood of Israel’. I’m prepared to accept that they’ll never write a song the same as that…but I’m still waiting for one that’s as good.
Sean Atrkins
Sherbert Trees/Nutmeg/Spiral Eye – Tamworth Arts
Sadly the BOX never made it to this gig but we received this most curious of reviews which was written on a brown paper bag. It said simply…
‘The Sherbert Trees – Where’s Christian? Nutmeg – Spiral Eye, Spiral Eye, Spiral Eye, Spiral Eye – WOW!
Harold and Hilda
Rhythm Damage – Lincolns
A set that got steadily better from a band who are getting steadily more eccentric and obnoxious. Their onstage antics and bile-inducing lyrics make them about as attractive a proposition as sticking your head in a furnace but you still come out of it with a stupid grin on your face. Vocally you couldn’t hear a great deal (and big thanks for that!) but musically it was loud, powerful and very ear grabbing. Once again they saved their best stuff until last (they probably need to re-arrange the set methinks) and it ended on a thrilling high with the combination of a gruelling ‘Twisted Mind’ and a chirpy ‘O.F.F.’ Initially messy but ultimately triumphant and fully deserving of their very, very enthusiastic reaction.
Sam Holliday
The Great Divide – Nightmoves
A six piece band which features a mandolin, sax, harmonica and a piano accordian – and that’s only two of the members!
As for the show and the music, it all started with an instrumental before swiftly moving to ‘Soon Be October’. If you were to imagine The Smiths on a good day teamed up with The Housemartins a touch of Crowded House and an extra touch of enthusiasm and feeling in the performance you would have The Great Divide. Full of style and character, their approach was smooth and very fresh which excited the audience. This was a performance to be proud of.
Colin Wall
The Fat Controllers – Lincolns
This was the second time I had seen this band and they were certainly an improvement this time around. The band worked hard at their set but were met by somewhat apathetic crowd reaction. This was a pity because the band had some nice tunes and deserved a more positive response. A good band – well worth another listen.
Jane Beach
The Big Trip – Nightmoves
Was this the Primal Mondays I saw before me? There was enough strobe lighting and feedback from the guitar to throw you into a total fit or give you a blinding headache. It sounded as if these guys had practiced for a couple of days imitating a band they could never match. A ‘joke’ would be the polite way of telling them that this sort of psychedelic noise was NOT hip but the crowd did get off on it so there must be light at the end of the short tunnel.
Colin Wall
Dance Stance – Lincolns
A set that began full of life, energy and strength but ended up leaving a slightly bad taste in the mouth. The reason for that was that during the usually upbeat and dramatic finale to the set, the Stance-boys descended into the most self-indulgent and pretentious ending I have ever heard by a local band. Amidst whelps from the faithful but grimaces from the rest the band began a lengthy amble through their respective star signs and instruments which made you wonder what on earth was going on. It was enough to cause a lot of people to change their opinions on what had been a generally very impressive set highlighted by splendid renditions of ‘Love and Peace’ and ‘Higher Ground’ plus some quite stunning brass. A sad end to an otherwise happy night, perhaps the band next time should remember that there are more people watching that the 110 per cent committed. Sorry chaps.
Sam Holliday
Korova Milkbar – The Rathole
I always thought this invasion of highly-recommended, but relatively unknown Birmingham indie bands was a little unhealthy but it was a treat to see Korova Milkbar. The unsatisfactory ‘indie’ label can mean almost anything but at least Korova appear to have a distinctive style which sets them apart. It was good to see them playing in Tamworth, simply because there is no-one quite like them from this area. Their musical style is closest to New Order but they are certainly not a copy because the sound is made different and very much their own, thanks to their successful use of ‘real’ instruments.
Sean Atkins
The Australians – Nightmoves
After the splendid performance of The Great Divide (who supported this combo) this was something of a let-down. OK a female vocalist is something of a pleasing novelty, but their music just didn’t come across well at all. For such an experienced band I felt their playing was very poor with some terrible dropped notes from both guitarists. Perhaps next time The Aussies will support Great Divide instead.
Colin Wall
Something Pretty Beautiful – Lincolns
Faintly reminiscent of The House of love, Something Pretty Beautiful were only vaguely handsome, but they did treat a half-empty Lincolns crowd to a powerful set. Very strong vocals and some very impressive numbers with just a few hitches. They deserved a better reception than they got and I for one thought they were something pretty good.
Jane Beach
The Touch – Nightmoves
A band who had a strong 70s rock influence mixed with an early to mid 80s commercial dance rock mode which reminded me a lot of the Police. The audience were initially cool, but this was later overcome and as we sat watching patiently we found it was all worth waiting for. I could easily see this band having a standing ovation as a place like the Gasworks in downtown Toronto. Very professional.
Colin Wall
Flowers in the Attic
Three Tuns
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
DHSS make the short journey down the A5 tonight (Friday) when they play their first gig in Atherstone.
Ed’s squad will be in action at the Three Tuns in Atherstone possibly alongside Flowers in the Attic.
This will be the fifth gig from DHSS and they have already recorded a four track demo.
It’s also nice to see gigs taking place in Atherstone itself as Tamworth has had so much benefit from the Atherstome music scene, it’s nice to be able to give something back.
The gig is due for an 8pm start.
Sherbert Trees
Poll Cats
Great Stan
Jolly Sailor
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
FOUR local acts take part in a special May Day Bonanza gig tonight (Friday).
The show at the Jolly Sailor features the respective talents of musicians The Sherbert Trees and The Poll Cats plus local comics The Great Stan and Buey.
All the performers on offer combine their talents under the ‘Big red Event’ banner from 8pm-11pm. It costs £2 waged, £1 unwaged.
Bash Out The Odd
The Rathole, Lincolns
The Moment
The New Puritans
Peter Tuesday
The Rathole (Lincolns)
Fetch Eddie
The Magnificent Lkage
New Fast Automatic Daffodils
King Woderick and The Yogots
Night Moves
The Rathole (Lincolns)
Golden Cross
Tamworth Herald – 11/05/90
NIGHTMOVES proudly opens its doors on Sunday to one of the hippest Manchester bands of the moment. The group, The New Fast Automatic Daffodils are currently sitting very nicely thank-you in the Top Five of the National Indie charts and they are a band who are really buzzing.
Their appearance in Tamworth is quite a coup for Nightmoves and the fact that two of the area’s most popular bands – King Woderick’s and DHSS – are in support implies that this will be a packed-to-the-rafters affair.
For those that don’t know, The New Fast Automatic Daffodils are what is generally regarded as a happening act. Here is just a selection of some of the national press they have already received….
*”This is prime, gritty Indie noise.” (Sounds July89)
*”The New Fads are the current leaders in the annual ‘death of rock’ sweepstakes. Best seen while still fresh.” (Melody Maker)
*”The New Fads are uniquely derivative, but clearly special.” (NME July 89)
The comparisons role on and among the many press reports I have seen, I have heard the band compared to (get ready…) The Sisters of Mercy, Pop Will Eat Itself, The Fall, Big Flame, The Talking Heads, The Pop Group and more.
Publicity types are tripping over each other to find the right comparisons and to make you feel that this band is going to be BIG so we might as well jump on the bandwagon and tell you that this lot look to be real likely lads and are well worth an eye or two.
And what of the support bands? Well, if you were going to put two bands on with an out-of-town act to ensure a big turn out you probably wouldn’t have to go much further than DHSS and The Yogots.
For DHSS this will be their third Tamworth venue in their short career and it will be another chance to prove to the doubting Thomases that they have the touch of greatness. What that now legendary first gig proved was that DHSS can no longer be placed in their former pigeon hole and indeed they have moved very much into an indie sphere. It divorces them from the late Eighties and takes them more into the realms of perhaps the Fast Daffs with more than a touch of the late 70s thrown in. The poor reaction to their first gig (we asked for positive letters of support and never received any) has certainly strengthened the band’s resolve and they remain as committed as ever. Sunday would be a nice platform indeed to regain the main territories.
King Woderick and The Yogots should have no such problems as they remain on of the finest collections of musos within sight of the Peel statue. Now playing less gigs locally than in recent months, every Yogotty flavoured gig has become a treat and their popularity seems to be growing all the time. They have been working very hard in the studios as well as cultivating important links out of it and their hard working management crew have been lining up some very tasty morsels indeed. Catch them in Tamworth while you still can.
That’s the line up then. Daffodils, DHSS and The Yogots. It makes for a formidable line up and one which I am sure will have them piling into Nightmoves on the night. Sadly your friendly neighbourhood MUSICBOX Editor will be away all week so I will have to miss it but the rest of you have no excuse whatsoever. It should be a very jolly happening indeed.
Tamworth Herald – 11/05/90
THE RATHOLE stages two concerts this week bringing together a host of different musical styles – including the much neglected art of reggae.
For on Thursday night, the wonderful Progression return to Tamworth from their Wolverhampton base to play a reggae set which is sure to keep the punters very happy indeed. Progression as MUSICBOX readers may remember, appeared a number of times in Tamworth over recent years and at each one their smooth and silky reggae sounds brought a very warm response indeed.
Their return on Thursday should bring a big turnout especially and they are supported by a group hailed as ‘Nuneaton’s version of The Soil Brothers.’ That band, The Edselfs, are regarded as good time yee-hah music which should have all the fans of the MacNamee Jamboree piling into the Rathole. That’s your Thursday night fare then and what a jolly night it looks to.
Meanwhile on Sunday night, The Rathole stages three very different bands in one enticing looking line-up.
Headliners are Indie pop kings The Honeysmugglers who have been making waves throughout the various regions with their accomplished pop. In support will be Burntwood-based The Moneygods who have been enjoying a lease of very positive publicity throughout the Midlands and Litany of Fear a gothy/metally crew who feature the absolutely legendary Kev Urwin. Kev, one of the longest surviving local music fans, always has a jolly good time and his dark and broody set should appeal to people who like to smile and grimace simultaneously.
That’s Sunday then – The Honeysmugglers, The Moneygods and Litany of Fear – and don’t forget Thursday’s bash which combines the talents of Progression and The Edselfs.
Tamworth Herald – 11/05/90
A brand new Tamworth band is on the lookout for a vocalist/frontperson to spearhead their climb to rock ‘n’ roll fame and stardom.
They claim many influences and have a number of gigs lined up.
Anyone interested can contact Nigel.
Tamworth Herald – 11/05/90
Once again we are getting a fair amount of reviews hitting the desk and we are keen for you to keep them coming as much as possible. Please note that the majority of MUSICBOX is completed the Friday before it is printed because of the tight deadlines at the start of the week. Therefore, apart from the odd concert, all reviews are one week late as such. Also we are happy to print extra reviews of concerts particularly when they are totally different to the original we print. Here are a couple of examples of alternative reviews. First comes (edited) comments from C Philips on the Something Pretty Beautiful/Fat Controllers show followed by some thoughts from Goldie on the Spiral Eye/Nutmeg and Sherbert Trees bash.
Something Pretty Beautiful/Fat Controllers – Lincolns
Maybe I am just being kind but Joss Cope and his band have the collective on-stage charisma of an ageing Robert Mitchum. Joss is far, far prettier than his big brother but unlike Julian, Joss is quite content to be a blob of marble. The lack of visual substance would be fine if the songs were stunning, intense, spellbinding and even a bit gooey but somewhere along the rocky road they have neglected the writing of such songs. An average group and a minor disappointment. Fat Controllers? All of the songs were too long by about three verses, two choruses and that other bit in the middle. Comparisons? Birdland without the spite. Worthy AND worthless.
C Philips
Spiral Eye/Nutmeg/Sherbert Trees – Tamworth Arts Centre
Sherbert Trees: They had a good sound and were enjoyed by the large crowd that turned up. Nutmeg: They gave a very good performance with strong exciting songs with good guitar work and powerful vocals. They kept the crowd interested and I think many others in the crowd share my opinion when I say they would be very, very welcome back at the Arts Centre. Spiral Eye: They gave a full performance with a good mixture of old and new songs and I am sure the new tunes will become as popular as the old classics. Overall: One of the better nights at the Arts Centre and well worth the £2 entry fee.
The Honey Smugglers
Emma Gibbs
Litany of Fear
The Rathole, Lincolns
The Edselfs
The Rathole
Hare and Hounds
Kings Heath
Tamworth Herald – 18/05/90
Sunday night marks the major meeting of the year for everyone who expects to be involved in this year’s Tamworth Rock Festival.
A running order has been worked out, bands have been selected to take part in all the various levels of the festival, and now all we need is YOU.
Sunday night’s meeting, at the usual venue, upstairs in the Tavern in the Town, and the usual time (7.30pm) is absolutely the last time for bands who are involved to come along and hear exactly what the plans are for this year’s festival which is to be held on July 14-15 in the Castle Grounds.
All you need is to bring yourselves, but at a committee meeting last week, it was decided (by stage manager extraordinaire Blaze Bayley!) that in order to allow proceedings to flow even more smoothly than they usually do, we want all bands to be able to fill in a questionnaire detailing just exactly what they play, what amps and instruments they will be using, and a stage plan (i.e. where you stand on stage) so that everything can be shifted on and off during the day with the minimum possible fuss.
So if you don’t now what you play or what you play through, FIND OUT NOW!
Also on the festival front, a final bill has been worked out for the Indoor Festival to be held at Night Moves, on Bank Holiday Monday (May 28) when eight of the finest local bands will be playing an extra special fundraiser to raise cash for the festival proper and final details will be confirmed at Sunday’s meeting.
And there are also tentative plans to launch a quiz night, based entirely on the history of the local music scene, with questions set by Sam (Mastermind) Holliday and Rikk (name a band I haven’t been in) Quay.
More details of this when plans are confirmed, but don’t forget Sunday, 7.30pm at the Tavern in the Town, when all the details will finally be revealed.
PS. Ideas for designs for this year’s festival T-Shirt are still being gratefully accepted if you have any suggestions please bring them along to the meeting.
Tamworth Herald – 18/05/90
Fetch Eddie/Magnificent Lkage – Night Moves (Sunday)
A long-awaited gig, this. A big crowd, a terrific sound system thanks to those fine chaps at Diamond PA, lots of anticipation – and in the end a considerable disappointment.
Fetch Eddie hit the Tamworth stage again after much too long away, and to be quite honest didn’t pull up trees in the way I expected them to.
Whether it was the venue, the crowd or what, there was something that wasn’t quite there.
Don’t get me wrong, I still came away humming “Too Much To Ask For” and all the other Fetch Eddie classics, but somehow something seems to have gone wrong during their time away.
The new songs didn’t quite have the impact I was hoping for, and somehow these days there seem to be too many slow ponderous, romantic songs in the set.
I remember reviewing Fetch Eddie at the Arts Centre a while back, and raving about the party atmosphere as they bombarded a massed crowd with a string of surefire dance tunes.
This time it simply didn’t happen. Whether this is the wrong venue to play these sort of tunes I’m not quite sure, but something was sadly awry.
I’d like to see them again very shortly in an effort to prove that this wasn’t the best they can do. Don’t leave it six months before playing here again lads.
The bright spot was Magnificent Lkage, quite possibly the best Birmingham band to venture across the boundaries since True Grit.
A varied collection of grotty pop songs, fine tunes and power performing that left me extremely keen to see them again (or indeed see them at all given the tight confines of the stage at Night Moves!).
Martin Warrillow
CRAZYHEAD – The Rathole
It isn’t often that you see a band playing locally for the first time and are immediately impressed – but it isn’t often that bands as good as Crazyhead play in Tamworth.
I had never seen such a big and enthusiastic audience in Tamworth outside a Wolfsbane concert and it was clear that Crazyhead have a big local following. Other bands comes to Tamworth with a ‘big in Birmingham’ reputation and a few of their own fans, but Crazyhead are ‘big’ all over the country and clearly have an army of fans in this area.
They played an amazingly fast set which started well and just got better as it went on. Their music varied between an almost metal sound and a harder version of The Wonderstuff but every song was memorable, powerful and based around a sound that’s as tight as a…
Crazyhead put on a very professional show without slowing down the pace or making any mistakes. They seemed almost too good to be playing in Tamworth but thankfully they’re not.
SCREAM – The Rathole
I was unsure of what to expect from Scream, better known as Scream Dream, after a short break and a few changes in line-up.
But I need not have feared because this was absolutely great. Very, very different from the original stuff but great, nevertheless.
Some very catchy numbers emerged from the set but ‘Hometown’ one of the old newies, really stuck out for me.
With the powerful vocals of lead singer Ian, good sounds from newcomers Stu and Mark, and the usual level of performance from the rest of the band, this was an indication that Scream may have changed – but it’s definitely for the better.
King Woderick and the Yogots – Night Moves
Once again The Yogots storm the battlements of stardom and confirm their status as one of the finest young bands in Tamworth.
Trying to define what they do is pointless because it’s so varied, so different and so good.
Parts of it are classic indie pop with or without the trademark jangly guitars (including ‘Mind Disease’ which should be one of the songs of this year or any other year), and parts of it (like the excellent ‘Leading from Behind’) can only be described as ‘theatrical’ pop (in the nicest sense of the word), of the very highest order.
They held a capacity crowd in awe for half an hour, and grabbed a well-deserved encore.
Martin Warrillow
DHSS – Night Moves
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Like Sam I’m really too close to this band to pass an absolutely unhindered critical judgement but frankly this was utterly dismal.
While this show wasn’t quite as embarrassing as their first Arts Centre gig, Ed and co. should not delude themselves that they have any future at all in their present format.
Calling themselves DHSS and doing the same songs is a major mistake and should be dropped instantly.
The songs I’m talking about (“Vicar’s Hand, Sweet Sixteen, Love Bites, DHSS) were designed and written to be played through computers and through ‘ordinary’ instruments they simply don’t work.
The one way they might work is to be turned into 100mph three-chord thrash, which is what they tried to do with ‘Vicar’s Hand’ but put bluntly the musicianship isn’t good enough. Weedy guitar riffs, limp singing, poor tunes (the ‘new’ songs don’t stand out at all) and absolutely zero stage presence do not make great bands. And this is a very long way from being a great band.
They should call this off, before a once-great reputation sinks into the sand.
Martin Warrillow
New Fast Automatic Daffodils – Night Moves
Go on define ‘Indie’ music for me…Well, whatever you say, when it comes to the New Fads, you would be utterly wrong.
This was as refreshing a blast of musical invention as I can remember seeing in Tamworth for quite a while and if this band don’t have a hit shortly, the people who decide these things should be strung up.
Imagine high-speed nineties dance music, with the sort of backbeat that you used to get in the ‘blacker’ sort of Sixties Tamla Mowtown, and you’ve probably got the idea.
‘Partial’ was arguably the best songs heard in Tamworth this year and along with a string of other fine tunes, defined this particular Manchester band as definitely one to watch.
Taxi troubles meant I had to leave early, but frankly I could have stayed all night. Brilliant!
Martin Warrillow

Dirty Trix
Lichfield Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 18/05/90
Kraze bounce back into action tonight (Friday) at Lichfield Arts Centre supporting Manchester-based Dirty Trix.
The new Kraze T-shirts will be on sale, as will the new four-track demo, which hopefully, will be reviewed very shortly.
The fun starts at 7.30pm.
Tamworth Herald – 18/05/90
Looking for a guitarist, vocalist…Dave Tye who claims influences ranging from Little Feat and Ry Cooder to Whitesnake, is on the hunt for a band.
The Parachute Men
The Rathole, Lincolns
Tamworth Herald – 25/05/90
NIGHTMOVES stages a Bank Holiday bonanza on Monday when no less than eight bands combine for an all-day indoor festival.
Top groups such as Rhythm Damage, The Yogots and Banned in Yellow combine with several new acts in a special gig which is designed specifically to raise money for the Tamworth Rock Festival in July. As you know the outdoor festival needs every penny it can get to ensure it stays free to you the punter and so Monday’s multi-band extravaganza is one of the key fundraisers of the year.
For just £2 you will be able to taste a huge variety of different musical styles from indie-flavoured lasts, via traditional pop and rock to touches of AOR. It will exactly like the normal Tamworth Rock Festival except this one will have a roof over its head and drinks on tap!
There will be debut performances from the likes of Fat Moggy. Tamworth-returns for the likes of Naked Touch and The Magnets and a thrilling finale which features the quality of Banned in Yellow, Vindaloo Breakfast and The Yogots.
The whole day will be run very much like the outdoor festival. All the bands involved will have just 20 short snappy minutes to perform and with only ten minute breaks between the sets the music should be running smoothly throughout the session. And there is also the considerable advantage that if the festival runs a bit late we can keep going until midnightish so there could be solid musical entertainment for five long hours.
Musically you can expect a complete varied package as befits the Rock festival principal. It all begins at 7pm with the Birdland inspired FAT MOGGY a band of Atherstonians who promise to be wild, wacky and about as far away from music as it is possible to be. Expect chaos. Following on a 7.30 will be the all together calmer sounds of THE NAKED TOUCH who will be combining their show on Monday with a gig at the NEC for Telethon on the same day. It’s modern, stylish soul music and you should find it a restful relief after the hazards of the Moggy men. 8.00pm brings NEVER SAY DIE to our stages for one of their all too rare Tamworth shows. The guitar-wizzards with added OOOMMPPHH!!! Have long been servants of the Tamworth music scene and this will be an important gig for them. Swiftly following on at 8.30 will be another Tamworth legend in the shape of THE MAGNETS. Nothing needs to be said about this lot because frankly if you don’t know them you wouldn’t be reading this page anyway. 9.00pm brings to the stage one of the area’s best bands for many years, KING WODERICK AND THE YOGOTS. A band of immense power and character they have come on bundles in recent months and their 20 minute blast on Monday is certain to be one of the highlights of the whole night. At 9.30 VINDALOO BREAKFAST enjoy a high profile slot to play one of their biggest shows to date. The band are a distinctive and unique agit-pop lot who combine late 60s and late 70s influences is a set of grizzly smiles. At 10.00 we then welcome the all too wonderful BANNED IN YELLOW who have certainly began the 1990s with a very loud bang indeed. I am particularly looking forward to their many joys which will followed finally by RHYTHM DAMAGE who are the ideal closing act of a very mixed package. What can we say about the Damage men that hasn’t already been said about Eric Honeker? Nothing, just enjoy the anarchy.
That’s yer lot then, and what a package it is. Eight very different bands, five hours of music and all for a ridiculous £2. We must stress again that all the money raised on the night will go towards the very needy coffers of the Tamworth Rock festival so as well as having a truly enjoyable night you will also be helping keep the event on an even keel.
Don’t miss this gig. It’s Bank Holiday Monday there is practically nothing else to do so you have no excuses. Get along and enjoy yourselves enormously.
*All bands please note the comments at the bottom of the line-up.
Monday Line Up
Tamworth Indoor Rock Festival 1990
(Nightmoves, Monday 28th May, 6pm-12pm)
7.00 – The Fat Moggy
7.30 – The Naked Touch
8.00 – Never Say Die
8.30 – The Magnets
9.00 – King Woderick and The Yogots
9.30 – Vindaloo Breakfast
10.00 – Banned in Yellow
10.30 – Rhythm Damage
*All bands to report to Nightmoves at 4pm on Monday. Twenty minute sets with ten minute changeovers.
Tamworth Herald – 25/05/90
TAMWORTH’s 1990 Rock Festival line-up has finally been arranged after a tortuous three hour meeting on Sunday night.
In the usual tradition of the rock festival’s democratic base, a full meeting of all the bands involved threw out an original committee-suggested line-up and installed a new one featuring a massive 24 bands.
The end result is good news for local music fans who will now have their biggest ever Tamworth Rock Festival line-up. From 12 o’clock until 7pm on the days of Saturday July 14 and Sunday July 15, 24 bands covering the whole spectrum of local music will strut their funky stuff in the Castle Grounds. It represents a very major event indeed and remember that the whole thing is FREE.
The line-up, printed exclusively first here, was agreed after a debate that occasionally exploded on Sunday night. An original 20 band line-up was deemed unfair on several acts who missed out so in the end bands went in to the proverbial hat and the final line-up is printed here. Amazingly 19 of the original 20 bands are still on the line-up ensuring the best quality music will be on show but the saddest blow was that DHSS failed to come out of the hat although the festival committee are doing everything they can to get Ed Armchair’s combo back on the event somewhere.
The next major festival meeting will be on Sunday June 17 at which point we want all 24 bands who are playing outside to bring their £6-a-head entry fee. After the debacle of Sunday night one thing is clear – if you don’t pay on that night you are out!
Tamworth Herald – 25/05/90
The full official line-up for the seventh annual Tamworth Rock Festival.
Friday July 13 – Tamworth Arts Centre Indoor Party. Admission £1.50
Broken Dreams, Never Say Die, Vindaloo Breakfast, The Magnets, Eight Ball Joe
Saturday July 14 – Tamworth Castle Grounds. 12 noon – 7pm. Admission free.
12.00 – The Naked Touch
12.30 – What’s This Heads Down Mindless Boogie About Nothing
01.00 - Sherbert Trees
01.30 – Flowers in the Attic
02.00 – The Big Noise
02.30 – Chemikill
03.00 – Catch 23
03.30 – Kraze
04.00 – Bash Out The Odd
04.30 – Emma Gibbs Loves Badges
05.00 - Shock Culture
05.30 – Spiral Eye
Sunday July 15 – Tamworth Castle Grounds. 12 noon – 7pm. Admission free.
12.00 – Litany of Fear
12.30 – The Cuddly Spiders
01.00 – The Herb Garden
01.30 – Breaking Point
02.00 – Rhythm Damage
02.30 – The First Conspiracy
03.00 – Dance Stance
03.30 – King Woderick and The Yogots
04.00 – Banned in Yellow
04.30 – The New Puritans
05.00 – Scream
05.30 – Wolfsbane
Line up subject to alteration.
Tamworth Herald – 25/05/90
As a final (minor?) point after Sunday night’s Tamworth Rock Festival meeting I have decided to quit my position as Chairman of the Tamworth Rock Festival writes Sam Holliday.
The meeting left me so depressed that I realised I no longer felt as if this was ‘my’ festival anymore and so as of today I no longer wish to be known as the main organiser of the Tamworth Rock Festival. I feel, without blowing my own trumpet too much, that I been mainly responsible for the successful running of the festival since I started the two day event in 1984 but I now feel that all the reasons I originally had for getting involved have disappeared. My vision was of an event where all the band’s unselfishly gave up their time and effort to produce a happy atmosphere of cooperation and a cracking concert. The cracking concert may still emerge but as I witnessed dozens of people arguing and abusing one another on Sunday I realised that the happy atmosphere had gone (possibly) for ever. The dreaded ROCK EGO ethic has taken over from the communal spirit that characterised the first few rock festivals and I went home on Sunday night to face a night without any sleep whatsoever as I worried about every aspect of the event and realised that I simply don’t need all this crap anymore. I feel I have done more than enough for this rock festival and deserve more respect than I was shown on Sunday night from people who put there own bands welfare before the festival as a whole.
I will continue to do everything to promote the festival within the paper and I will stay on the committee – but after seven happy years I am now handing over the top position to someone who can control this monster better than I can and I hope it is someone I trust to have the same ideals – Den, Rikk, Bayley or Mike, for example – and I hope that if the festival goes on for 100 years there is never a meeting as bad as Sunday’s again.
Sam Holliday
*Following the writing of this article I spoke to Rikk Quay, the Vice Chairman of the Festival who told me that he had independently decided to quit as well – hence the headline. Rikk felt that he too had been betrayed and his loss is a major blow for the festival.
Tamworth Herald – 25/05/90
Musicbox – An indie based band who will be playing at the festival have made an urgent plea for a drummer after losing their own. If you like The Primitives and The Pixies and want to know more ring Darren.
Great Stan’s Kabaret
Co-op Club
Tamworth Herald – 25/05/90
THE Great Stan’s Kabaret is making a special one-off appearance tonight (Friday) at the Co-op Club, Tamworth.
The concert billed as an ‘Evening of variety, humour, music and song’ is a benefit gig in aid of the Anti Poll Tax Federation. Admission is £1 and the fun starts at 8pm. All proceeds from the event to the fund.
Tamworth Herald – 25/05/90
Nightmoves shock
NIGTMOVES can no longer stage concerts on a Sunday night until further notice.
That was the shock news that reached MUSICBOX just before we were going to press and it means that this week’s show with Bob and The Fontanelles is the first to face the axe.
The reason is to do with a public entertainments license for Sundays although it is stressed that Monday night’s gig is SAFE and as it will be the last one at Nightmoves for a fair time it adds extra significance to this important show. Here is the letter from Nightmoves man Neil explaining the Sunday situation…
Dear Sam,
I wish to inform all band members and readers of MUSICBOX that with immediate effect there will no longer be any gigs on Sunday’s at Nightmoves until further notice.
This is due to the fact that our public entertainment license does not cover Sundays. However, one has now been applied for.
I would like to thank all those who have attended the Sunday night gigs and would ask you to watch this space for developments.
Yours, Neil, Nightmoves
Don’t forget that Monday’s eight-band show will be going ahead featuring among others Rhythm Damage who are pictured here.

Tamworth Herald – 25/05/90
THE RATHOLE hosts two more gigs this week combining out of town favourites with local talent.
We’re Going To Eat You and The Rain Garden will both be claiming headline slots with varying support from the likes of DHSS, Shock Culture and The Hamilton Hammond Extension.
First off on Sunday We’re Going To Eat You spearhead a three band show which also features DHSS and Shock Culture. We’re Going To Eat You have a strong following for their powerhouse pop sound but much more than that we do not know I’m afraid. What we do know is their two support acts both command loyal followings with DHSS attempting once again to bridge their self-imposed credibility gap and Shock Culture trying to show once again that they have become a serious local force. A great troupe, the Shock Culture-ites and a splendid band despite rumours that they include serious West Bromwich fans. Sunday night, The Rathole. 7.30-11.
On the following Thursday, The Rathole opens its doors to the Rain Garden – another well respected out of Town outfit who are joined by the Hamilton Hammond Extension. This name may well ring a bell in the head of one or two longer serving music fans because they once ended up sort of headlining in the Rock Festival and producing the most chaotic sounds ever heard on the Castle Grounds lorries. If it is the same crew as last time it is extremely STAR-STUDDED and very interesting. We will say no more. Suck it and see between 8-1.
We’re Going To Eat You
Shock Culture
The Rathole, Lincolns
Tamworth Indoor Rock Festival
Fat Moggy
Naked Touch
Never Say Die
The Magnets
King Woderick and the Yogots
Vindaloo Breakfast
Banned in Yellow
Rhythm Damage
Night Moves
Rain Garden
Hamilton Hammond Extension
The Rathole