Tamworth Bands History : 1986 : December
Tamworth Herald – 05/12/86
BREAKING POINT are back! The exciting trio play their first gig in several months tonight (Friday) when they team up with kindred spirits Attica to play a special charity show at The Rathole.
The double-header is the official launch of Breaking Point’s first single ‘Ode To Nicholas Romanov” which will be on sale tonight. And to make the night even mores special all profits go to the Tavern in the Town appeal for the blind.
“The Tavern were very supportive by helping us to raise money for the single,” said Breaking Point singer Kevin Briggs. “In return for their help we said we would play a gig for their appeal and we hope a lot of people will turn up to boost the campaign.”
Breaking Point have spent the last three or four months preparing for the launch of their single. It was recorded earlier this year at Paul Speare’s Expresso Bongo Studio and the band have spent the interim period working with Edward ian Armchair on a special concept sleeve.
The song will be easily recognised by all the band’s followers – and many who aren’t – as it boasts an amazing hook and a tremendous atmosphere that catapults the listener back to the era of revolutionary Russia.
It was my Song of the Year two years ago and remains one of the finest songs ever written by a Tamworth band. You will be able to find out for yourself just how that epic style has translated to vinyl by buying the single tonight.
“We have been looking forward to this concert for a while and we hope it will be a good party atmosphere with a good crowd,” said Kevin Briggs.
Joining Breaking Point tonight are Attica, a trio who share the headliners’ enthusiasm for fast, loud and tingling music.. Eddie, Jim and Pete have also not played too many Tamworth concerts of late, but as usual their enthusiasm is infectious.
“We are really looking forward to it and hopefully we will be able to make a big impact,” said lead singer Eddie Madden.
What should also be interesting is an unofficial ‘bass wars’ battle. Breaking Point’s Daydo and Attica’s Pete Wright are my two favourites bass players around, and I for one will be keen to see who produces the meatier bass-grind tonight.
So, a whole host of reasons for you to dust off your dancing shoes and head for the Rathole tonight. Two great bands, one great charity cause and a first chance to but Breaking point’s debut single. I have a strong feeling it is going to be one of the gigs of the year and anyone who does not turn up will have to send a note from their mother the following day or answer to Eddie Madden.
Tamworth Herald – 05/12/86
TONIGHT popular Birmingham heavy band, Quill play the Embassy Suite while tomorrow (Saturday) Strap On Jack make a speedy return to Tamworth when they play at The Rathole.
Tonight’s show at the Embassy features a band who were hot shots in Tamworth a few years ago. They have a large heavy rock following in Birmingham and are regarded as one of the Midlands leading rock bands. It costs £1.50 on the door.
Tomorrow there should also be a packed house at The Rathole when the sizzling Strap On Jack return due to ‘popular demand’. The band outshone Dr. Feelgood at last week’s Assembly Rooms concert and their fast r .n. b punchy pop made them a lot of friends.
Tamworth Herald – 05/12/86
Dance Stance – The Other Side of Paradise (What Records)
LADIES and gentlemen, I give you the best record ever to come out of the local scene. I knew in advance that this was going to be special. Paul Hanlon’s smile is a big giveaway but I just didn’t realise how special it was.
This is a tremendous, exciting single which has a first-class sound, first-class melody and fist-class production. Brilliantly played and expertly sung this is a triumph which should dispel any doubting cynic’s belief that local bands just cannot compete with the outside world. It deserves to make Dance Stance superstars and no amount of praise can be seen as hyperbole.
It is one of my Singles of the Year and has the word ‘hit’ inscribed indelibly all over it’s tasty sleeve. If you like Dexy’s, Haircut 100 or just skilful, commercial pop music you should love it.
If you don’t believe me, buy a copy and see for yourself.
You can buy the single from inner Sleeve (Tamworth) What records (Nuneaton) or any band member.
Tamworth Herald – 05/12/86
BELATED birthday greetings to former Orange singer Anice Byfield who held a terrific party last weekend full of local popstars.
Tamworth Herald – 05/12/86
THE DREAM FACTORY have split up. The group finally decided to throw in the towel after a crisis meeting last Thursday. They talked honestly with one another about what they wanted and what they had achieved and then agreed to split amicably, bringing to an end the career of one of Tamworth’s local pop institutions.
The sadness felt by all members is genuine, but through it all founder member Mark Mortimer is remaining as positive and optimistic as possible.
It’s hard within the space of one small article to explain the history and achievements of the Factory, but how many other local bands can match what follows. They have done concerts all around Britain supporting bands such as Bad Manners, The Meteors, Shrickback and The Bouncing Czechs.
They have played in front of 20,000 people and been featured in papers such as The Daily Mirror, Sounds and masses of fanzines, local newspapers and national scootering magazines. In addition they have released two singles, one of which broke the indies charts and received substantial airplay on Radio One.
They have had encouraging comments from Paul Weller, Julian Cope, Bruce Foxton, Micky Most and even Elton John. In addition they have won the Musicbox Band of the Year award for the past three years and have been an indirect influence on a host of local bands. They have also featured no less than 31 musicians in their three –year history including well-known local stars such as Donald Skinner, Dave Smith and Greg Stevenson
There is plenty more I could mention (amazing reviews, wonderful concerts, etc.) but the overall impression is there has never been a genuinely local band who have been as honestly successful as this.
“I’m proud of what we achieved together. We were possibly the first local band who decided it just doesn’t matter being top in your own back yard – you’ve got to get out and impress neutrals all around the country and we did just that. I’m proud we reached the indie charts ands all the other things and that pride stays with me,” said Mark.
The group’s brass section were the first to declare they were leaving followed by Mark, drummer Batman and the guitarist Dave Stevenson. Mark now looks forward to working with kindred spirit Bryan Lacey in the Great Express, while Batman, Lloyd Barnett, Dave and Tim Goode, may move into new spheres.
There is talk of the Factory’s manager, Neil Rushden releasing a mini album of their best work.
The dream however, is finally over.
Breaking Point
The Rathole
Embassy Suite
Strap On Jack
The Rathole
Tamworth Herald – 12/12/86
YOU KNOW that feeling when you are standing at a bus stop for half-an-hour and suddenly two buses come at the same time? Well, that’s exactly how I feel. We wait years for local bands to make records without much joy and then all of a sudden within a couple of months, Wolfsbane, Dance Stance and now Breaking Point finally hit vinyl. And what is really irritating, is that they are all so good that the dedicated local music fan is quickly going deeply into debt. This single is a powerful and as moving as its very epic theme. It is a love song – not a traditional man-woman affair but an equally passionate man-nationality romance – and has all the fear and power of the turbulent incidents it describes. The lyrics are both sensitive and intelligent (as is the lyricist) and the tune is numbingly caressing. It has a hook which no other Tamworth songwriter has yet managed to beat, and still moves me as much as the first time I heard it. Watching people listening to the song on Friday night, many seemed quite mesmerised and that is exactly the effect the song is meant to have. It is produced well, packaged superbly (well done Sallie!) and is a single that every Breaking Point fan should cherish. The B-side ‘Come The Day’ is equally tear-jerking (the two songs have both won my Musicbox song of the year award) and I genuinely feel this is a triumph not only for Breaking point but for the Tamworth scene as a whole. Tamworth should be proud of its wealth of music talent and it should try and support it. Make your way to W.H. Smith, The Tavern or Kimberleys and buy this for everyone you know. I personally still think Nicholas Romanov deserved every bullet he got, but Breaking Point deserve a far better fate. Buy the record and share the pride.
Tamworth Herald – 12/12/86
IT WAS some weekend wasn’t it? Two great “Rathole” gigs, two large, lusty audiences and four exceptional performers. I would settle for the following every week…
NOT quite as powerful and ear-blistering as usual (p.a. problems I’m told) but still a very enjoyable set full of purpose and restrained anger. Pete did unspeakably wonderful things on his bass. Eddie seemed his normal calm, inhibited self and the only disappointment was that Tamworth’s favourite skin-breaker, the traditionally violent Jim Pighand was rather too quiet. Still, any band that can write songs as food as “View” have nothing to worry about.
A VERY passionate night and a very passionate set. Breaking Point received the belated adulation they truly deserve and at times reached the sort of peaks that I don’t think any Tamworth band has ever surpassed. The single was of course the highlight (pure, beautiful emotion) but for sheer impact and audience participation it was impossible to beat the sizzling ‘Guns of Ambergold’. Watch out for ‘Hitlist’ and ‘Stars’ as well, two new songs that Breaking Point are still as dazzling a prospect as ever. Great fun.
Short, sweet and entertaining set which was even better than their Festival show. The band seem to have settled on the direction they want to follow, and are now producing music which is mature, original and very refreshing. Glen “Hogmany” Lewis remains one of the coolest dudes around and Orange remain one of the brightest hopes.
ANYONE who didn’t LOVE these is officially dead. That’s all I can say. Wonderful.
Tamworth Herald – 12/12/86
ALTHOUGH I am doing my best to cut out rigged votes in he MUSICBOX poll – I have already squelched the attempt to hype a dog to personality of the year! – one problem remains.
Because there are a lot of genuine Stranglers fans out there, but more especially a lot of Sam Holliday-mickey takers, this band of bands has shot to the top of the best album, best single and best band slot. The problem is, if it stays that way how will anyone believe me? I mean it is well known that I like the Stranglers just a teeny-weeny bit and if they will all three categories I will suffer jibes for the next 12 months. Still if that doesn’t ensure a mass of votes coming in nothing will!!! One band who are doing rather well in the poll are the Soil Brothers who told me at the weekend that they might be playing support on the next New Model Army tour. It seems Slade the Leveller saw the group playing with Joolz and he was so knocked out he offered them a support slot on the spot. It all sounds a bit fishy to me but we shall see…Also odd is that Orange Blossom Special are changing their perfectly reasonable name to something perfectly unreasonable like Mr. Johnson. Depth Charge have also changed their name to Caging the Raven. They were briefly called The Muff Doctors but too many people understood that to let it go! And finally talking of going, Wolfsbane finally went on Tuesday. They had one last enjoyable night at the Rathole on Saturday and then packed their fez-hats to fly to Dubai. Tamworth will seem a lot saner (and duller) without them.
Tamworth Herald – 12/12/86
Whippersnappers whip in!
AN original, highly-respected four piece folk band headline a special concert at Coleshill Town Hall on Saturday. The band, Whippersnapper, have an acoustic sound which covers everything from baroque to rock, jigs to jazz and traditional and contemporary numbers. The group members – Dave Swarrbick, Martin Jenkins, Kevin Dempsey and Chris Leslie – all have long and impressive pedigrees and the band are said to both … and exciting. A good night out for local folk fans.
Tamworth Herald – 12/12/86
TIM Goode and Lloyd Barnett will stay together despite the Dream Factory split. Now the ex-singer and guitarist are on the lookout for a new band to play music which sounds like the Factory but with more of a feel of bands like The Smiths. If you are a bassist, guitarist or drummer and want to know more you can leave a message for Tim.
Tamworth Herald – 12/12/86
The Great Express
Mark Mortimer and Bryan Lacey – have recruited a new drummer from Witherley. He is 17-year-old Dave Burgess who has worked in the past with Europe After The Rain and The Australians.
Tamworth Herald – 12/12/86
ATHERSTONE music fanatic (and fanatical Atherstone supporter) Tim Mickleburgh has written to Musicbox trying to find out a song by Queen. Tim is a big fan of now deceased American songwriter Jim Croce who once had a hit called “Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown”. Tim understands that Queen have a sing called “Bring back Leroy Brown” and he wanted to know if this is a coincidence or a tribute to the American singer. I haven’t a clue but if any knowledgeable Queen fans are out there, contact me and I will pass on your answer.
Tamworth Herald – 12/12/86
A right royal occasion!
THE RIOTOUS Royal Family bounces back into action on Saturday night when they spearhead a special concert in aid of the Labour Party. Dave and the boys will be at the Prince of Wales alongside immortal Buey who will be presenting his Redstar Roadshow. It will probably not be quite such a late night as your average Rathole bash – so get there early.
Tamworth Herald – 19/12/86
Caption: WEARY but happy – some of the people involved in the first-half of this year’s TAMAID. |
“I haven’t had so much fun in years” was the summing up of Eddie Madden (fourth from the right) pictured pouring out the sauce for chorus girl Anice Byfield.
TAMWORTH’S big-hearted singers converged on Expresso Bongo Studios on Sunday for the recording of the first half of this year’s TAMAID.
The local scene is bringing together its varied voices to record a two-track tape in aid of Quince Tree Special School for handicapped children based at Amington.
The recording is divided into two halves – this weekend at Richard Cutler’s Recharge studio and last weekend in the company of Paul Speare at his Tamworth-based studio/
And if last weekend is anything to go by, this Sunday promises to be another marvellous day for the local music scene for the first mammoth recording session brought together singers from a variety of contrasting bands all intent on helping the same needy cause – and having a huge dollop of fun at the same time!
Sunday’s recorded track was the old Terroa number ‘Thunder and Lightening’ renamed to give it a charity ‘Children in Need’ theme as ‘Youth Is Our Future’. The lyrics are basically an appeal to give more than token pity for hard pressed children while the music is a fiery passionate outburst.
The music was put down by the original members of Terroa – Batman, Pete Wright, Eddie Madden and John Reeman – playing together for the first time since they split several months ago. And despite the fact that the song was understandably changed from the original version, the musicians were as delighted with the end product as anyone.
Once Eddie and the boys had finished the backing track, the main singers took over. As with last year’s TAMAID – and it’s much inferior copy BAND AID! – all the singers had two lines to sing apiece – and all added their own distinctive style to the words they produced.
Mike Turner, the former Sitting Pretty king made a welcome return to local action and showed he had been listening to an awful lot of Psychedelic Furs and Immaculate Fools with his interpretation of the opening two lines.
XPD maniac Rikk Quay followed with an amazingly untypical and impressive vocal nd he was followed by the likes of Eddie Madden, Mick Goodby and star of the show One On One’s Dave Ingham who arrived fresh from a christening (and wearing a truly awful suit) to sing two dynamic lines which brought warm applause throughout the studio.
Throw in some lovely chorus work from lovely chorus girl Anice Byfield and some horrific spluttering from one Samuel Holliday and you have a triumphant, varied and exciting tape.
This week TAMAID switches to Recharge Studio at Freasley. There (hopefully) Dance Stance, Catch 23, Breaking Point, The Magnets, Spartan Cruise et al, will contribute singers to a new version of XPD’s wonderful ‘Bomb’s Away’ which will make up the other ‘A’ side of ‘Youth Is Our Future’.
As with last Sunday,, everyone involved will pay £5 to cover all the costs and with both studios kindly giving their time and equipment for free, it means all the money raised from this year’s TAMAID will be destined for our very own ‘Children In Need’.
The tapes will not be on sale until January, but anyone that wants to ensure they get a copy when they come out can send cheques or postal orders made payable to Tamworth Rock Festival Association to TAMAID. The tapes cost £1.25 apiece, but any cash above that will go towards helping local needy children. Right, next stop ‘Recharge’ studios!
Just what kind of country, are we living in?
When all we give is pity, when it’s cash we should put in.
We say we can’t afford it, but we know that that’s a lie.
Children are our future, and yet we still let them dies.
And we are calling you, just to open your eyes.
Youth is our future, our precious future.
We are fit and healthy, we do not know we’re born,
But there’s kids in our own neighbourhood without our basic form.
The haven’t got our zest for life, they haven’t got our dreams.
Without our love they’ll fade away, or that’s the way it seems.
But charity is charity and the Government’s glad of that.
It lets them off the hook, you see, if we pass round the hat.
But we can shame the politicians by showing that we care.
So open up your eyes my friend to the sadness that’s out there.
Music – Terroa, Lyrics – Sam Holliday
©TAMAID 1986
Coleshill Town Hall
Royal Family
Prince of Wales
Spartan Cruise
Gargoyle Brothers
The Rathole
Tamworth Herald – 19/12/86
THE DREAM FACTORY make their last appearance on Sunday night in what promises to be one of the most moving nights in the history of the local scene.
Even though they will be without two key brass section members, the band are determined to go ahead with the special ‘Rathole’ show which will be a public ‘thank-you’ to all the people who have loyally supported them over the years.
It will be the last time local pop fans will be able to see Tim, Lloyd, Mark, Batman and the rest of the Factory crew together on a stage – and they are hoping o make it a show to remember.
The band haven’t practiced together for a month, but their understandable nerves about this are compensated by a belief that the genuine musical feeling will be enough to carry them through what should be a tremendous night.
It will be the last time we will all be able to hear classics like ‘Feel Your Touch’, ‘Wine and Roses’, ‘Uncle Albert’ and so on.
No Dream Factory – or for the matter local music – fan should want to miss it. It should be a cracker.
If you’re still not convinced, the support band on the night is one of Tamworth’s fastest improving outfits, Kara. The group are certainly on the ‘up’ at the moment and are being regarded as one of the area’s brightest hopes for success in the future.
So if you want to see one rising star and sadly one falling one, Sunday night at the Rathole is the place to be. The Christmas party starts here.
Tamworth Herald – 19/12/86
The Rathole also plays host to another mixture of the old and the new, Spartan Cruise – or The Gargoyle Brothers as they will probably be known – will team up with the Magnets making one of their rare appearances.
The Gargoyle Brothers play modern alternative music with a heavy Chameleons imprint and made a sparkling, well-received debut at the Rathole only a few weeks ago. The Magnets need no introduction and are the Tamworth music scene’s equivalent to Sir Robert Peel – quite immortal. Another fine concert to enjoy.
Tamworth Herald – 19/12/86
Tickets for the New Year’s Eve – Red Beards From Texas concert at the Rathole are starting to go, so don’t miss out. It promises to be one of the nights of the year and the combination of the Red Beard’s humour and spirit …
Dream Factory (last gig)
The Rathole
Tamworth Herald – 26/12/86
Well the Musicians poll box is now finally shut and we will put you all out of your misery by opening it up and revealing all the fascinating results next week. In the meantime by way of a seasonal treat we are going to take a look back at another tremendous year in the local scene. Are you sitting comfortably? Right we will begin…
THE results of the 1985 MUSICBOX poll showed the Dream Factory to be as popular as ever. They topped the best band category followed by Terroa, The Royal Family and Dance Stance. Will it be the same this time? Next week we will reveal all. Meanwhile Femme Fatale and the Soil Brothers both released demos of widely contrasting style. The Fatale one I described as ‘musical masochism’ while the Soil Brothers earned an original, entertaining description. Elsewhere Rikk Quay left The Sway and turned up will all-new Cradle. While Freight Train released their exceptional ‘Man’s Laughter’ 45 to an impressed world. Finally the plans were drawn up for February’s biggest ever – Battle of the Bands.
SIXTEEN bands battled it out for the second annual Battle of the Bands title which produced five sell-out superb Arts Centre nights. In the end Burnin’ Sky, Wolfsbane, Breaking Point and One On One reached the final which One On One deservedly won with a triumphant show that impressed guest Edwin Starr who described guitarist Tim Latham as a young ‘Eric Clapton’ Elsewhere Terroa released my demo of the year ans Dickens appeared on the scene and the first of hundreds of Bank Holiday rock festival meetings took place.
DREAM FACTORY shocked many of their supporters by splitting down the middle. Steve and Lloyd went their separate ways to be replaced by Terroa drummer Batman, Catch 23 guitarist Dave Stevenson and a whole new sound. Inevitably it led to Terroa splitting up which was very sad. But better news came with Ian Gibbons finally finding a place for his ‘Rathole’ venture. It was a place we would all get to know very well indeed.
The Rathole opened its doors and was an immediate and glorious success with concerts by Cradle, Orange, Soil Brothers, Spirit Lake, Depth Charge and a Paul Clements alternative disco. Orange released a rather unimposing demo while the Dream factory released their ‘Cold Turkey’ single which I described as ‘flat, dull and uninspired’. Wolfsbane also set about recording a single while Breaking point drummer Jason Farrow just beat off Derek Goodwin, Billy Campbell and Neil Sheasby in a particularly wicked Rogues Gallery.
The Cradle’s brief – but still I think very exciting career came to an end, paving the way for Rikk and John Reeman to form XPD. Jim Pighand to join Eddie and Peter in Attica, Nig and Paul to form The Calling and Mettallic Murray Pickett to go to pieces. Freight Train, Femme Fatale and Duel played a fine Bank Holiday concert and Richard Cuttler opened his very successful ‘Recharge’ Studios. Beyond Elysium also burst onto the scene behind a literal smokescreen, while The Red Beards From Texas and The Bomb Party made many friends at The Rathole. Finally Wolfsbane won through to a Birmingham Dome competition for Battle of the Bands.
ATTICA played a tremendous debut gig at The Rathole while The Dream Factory also played a successful single-release party in Polesworth. The parade and Femme Fatale finally bit the dust as did Breaking Point singer Kevin Briggs’s days as a bachelor. The Dance Stance played one of the concerts of the year at The Rathole leading me to say “I will now risk life and limb by concluding that this band are definitely going to make it.” I still stand by that claim, just as Maradona does that God helped him to score THAT goal which everyone was talking about in June.
I WENT to Benidorm but left behind me an even more wicked Rogues Gallery won by Kevin Brigs followed by Martin Higgs, Ian gibbons and Phil Smith. Classified Ads bassist Paul Clements became a daddy of twins and also produced something interesting…Tamworth bassist Charlie Harrison appeared at the NEC alongside some Scottish bloke called Rod Stewart while Edward ian Armchair met up with well-known pop fan Prince Charles.
THE Rock Festival again reigned supreme – or rather rained supreme as the clouds opened to signal an end to the second day of action. Still that didn’t stop anyone as the whole thing moved indoors. Best shows of the festival? Well, Wolfsbane, Dance Stance and Catch 23 stood out but my vote for the song of the festival was definitely won by ‘Bombs Away’ by XPD. That was terrific. It was also nice to see Love On Board do a show for the festival and August also provided us with more Red Beards, Strap On jack and also a new Stranglers single. Yes, a great month indeed.
Wolfsbane released their debut single, the acclaimed ‘Clutching at Straws’ while the Soil Brothers released another killer demo which I described as being ‘as enjoyable as taking a shower with Samantha Fox’. Meanwhile the Rathole seemed to be in trouble with plunging attendances not helped by rather disappointing shows from Mighty, Mighty, pop Will Eat Itself, The Calling and uncharacteristically The Dream Factory. Ian Gibbons threatened to shut the venue, but thankfully people got the message and attendances gradually rose. Julia Cop released his single ‘World Shut Your Mouth’ which meant local hero Donald Skinner was seen on the telly on ‘Wogan’.
Wolfsbane’s single release party with rising stars Kara was a wonderful night and no less eye-opening was the Rathole debut of Thirteenth Reunion. ‘Like a breath of unfresh air’ I said although many people had rather less poetic descriptions. Another new band The Mutant Zombies also mad people’s jaws drop in disbelief, while an older band (or rather a younger one!) Catch 23 played one of their best gigs at the Rathole. One On One spearheaded a special charity show with Orryot and Ruffian On The Stairs and promptly plastered my face with a custard pie. I have just about forgiven them although I doubt if I will ever forgive Dave Ingham for the awful suite he wore at TAMAID.
Dance Stance released their debut single to triumphant delight. While The Royal Family joined Dr. Feelgood and the mighty Strap on Jack for a thrilling Assembly rooms concert. Wolfsbane heard the ludicrous news they were going to spend Christmas playing to oil workers in the Middle East while Donald Skinner returned in triumph to lead Joss, Barry and Gavin in a fine Freight Train gig at the Rathole with non-existent support band The Mighty Lemon Drops. Spartan Cruise made a fine debut and I launched the 1986 poll naming Dance Stance as the band of the year, the Dream Factory’s ‘Feel Your Touch’ as the local song and the Stranglers as the best album and single. No-one was surprised at the last two choices strangely.
MAKING ‘Feel Your Touch’ the song of the year proved a kiss of death as the Dream factory shocked us all by finally splitting up. Mark Mortimer joined up with old adversary Bryan Lacey for the Great Express and I am glad to say the rest of the Factory look likely to carry on in various guises. Breaking Point released a scorching debut single (‘share the pride’ I said) while Orange Blossom Special, Strap On jack and Attica all played fine shows. Finally, the recording of TAMAID was made to be released early next year. As I say it’s been a busy 12 months and to all those that have contributed to it (in any way) a sincere HAPPY CHRISTMAS.
*Just to cap off the year, The Royal Family play a special Christmas party at the Rathole on Boxing Day, 8.30pm. And don’t forget, The Red Beards will play the Rathole New Years Eve Party on December 31.
Royal Family
The Rathole
Red Beards from Texas
The Rathole